We are planning independent bodybuilding and fitness classes in the gym.

Your independent exercises in the gym can have both a recreational (athletic gymnastics) and sports (strength sports) orientation. We will talk about some of the most important aspects of planning and building your training in this article. You will learn, perhaps, one of the most important rules, neglecting which can put an end to your further body building. How not to develop arterial hypertension or hypertension yourself by lifting iron in the gym? - this is one of the questions that newly minted beginner bodybuilders often neglect, and, as you understand, in vain...

It is advisable to plan health-related athletics classes 2-3 times a week. The best effect in increasing physical performance and improving the physique is achieved in a combination of strength training, mainly basic exercises, with exercises that contribute to the development of endurance. It is in connection with this point, especially at the very initial stage of training, that it is necessary to include in each lesson at least 27% of exercises that require cyclic work - cardio exercises - race walking, running, swimming, exercises on cardio equipment (exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical or rowing machine, stepper, etc.).

It is important to understand that an emphasis only on performing strength exercises, especially for beginners, can provoke arterial hypertension or even hypertension, and worsen external respiration indicators (vital capacity of the lungs - VC).

Cardio exercises can be planned in different parts of the training session - preparatory (general warm-up), main or final. The greatest effect is achieved by using the interval method, that is, alternating cyclic loads with low and high intensity. The total duration of the cardio load is determined independently from five to twenty minutes.

It is advisable to plan classes in strength sports outside of school hours 3-6 times a week, since in order to achieve good results it is necessary to perform a significant amount of training load. An important point in planning classes is the compilation of sets of exercises. The same complex can be used for 2-2.5 months. When creating personal sets of exercises, it is important to consider the following:

  1. training sessions should begin with a general and special warm-up;
  2. the complex program must correspond to the level of preparedness, which depends on the experience of training, technical equipment, the dynamics of growth of strength and functional indicators of the student (the duration of the initial level lasts from 1 to 2 years of regular classes);
  3. at the initial stage (2-3 weeks), the training program should include basic exercises completely for all major muscle groups in 1-2 sets of 10-12 repetitions;
  4. the sequence of the exercises involved should be built according to the principle - first, heavy exercises are performed to develop large muscle groups (legs, back, chest), and then small ones (muscles of the arms, legs), however, if there are lagging muscles, then the load for them can be planned at the beginning of the lesson;
  5. in a training session, you should adhere to the rule: first, fully work out one selected muscle group, and then move on to another (with the exception of circuit training);
  6. Between repeated loads on the same specific muscle group, appropriate rest should be provided, on average it is 48-72 hours (2-3 days). However, the muscles of the abdomen, lower leg and forearm can and should be loaded much more often;
  7. training sessions should end with cool-down exercises: stretching, calming breathing and subsequent relaxation.

Joint Approach - performing two exercises in one set (set, series) with a rest pause between them.

Supersulfur - performing two exercises in one set: one after the other without any rest.

Circuit training - cyclical sequential execution of a set (circle) of exercises, following one after another in a strictly defined order with an adjustable rest pause.

Approximate sets of physical strength exercises are presented in sections of our website.

Entry-level complexes divided into workouts A, B and C for the variety of exercises used, mastering the technique of various power movements for the same muscles.

Mid-level complexes involve independent planning of the frequency of visits to the gym and, accordingly, calculating the load on individual areas of the body and muscle groups on different days.

Option 1:
  1. workout A - muscles of the legs, chest, latissimus dorsi, lower legs, abdomen;
  2. training B - deltoid muscles, erector spinae, arms, and abdomen.
Option 2:
  1. workout A - muscles of the chest, latissimus dorsi, legs, biceps, abdomen;
  2. training B - deltoid muscles, erector spinae, trapezius, triceps, forearms, abdomen.
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