Head massage: technique and execution algorithm

Head massage is one of those procedures that combines a pleasant and beneficial effect. In addition to pleasant and magical moments of pleasure, the procedure is very beneficial for our body. In particular, this type of massage has a beneficial effect and helps those people who spend a lot of time at the computer and sometimes feel a real “petrification” in the neck area. What are the advantages of this technique:

  1. Relieving anxiety, stress, tension
  2. Immune system stimulation
  3. Complete relaxation of muscle tissue
  4. Activation of muscle tissue
  5. Stimulation of blood circulation and metabolism
  6. Improved sleep
  7. Relieving headaches

Great emphasis should be placed on the importance of getting into the correct position. The person being massaged needs to lie on his back when the front of the head is being massaged, and then on his stomach when massaging the back of the head.

Head massage

Gentle movements perfectly relieve tension and nervous stress

Techniques and techniques

This procedure is divided into two subsections: facial massage and scalp massage. When massaging the scalp, all movements should be carried out in the direction of hair growth, placing the fingertips as close to the hair roots as possible.

Scalp massage

  1. First of all, the massage therapist performs light stroking, moving from the frontal part of the head to the occipital part. It is recommended to perform the movements 4 times. This movement provokes stimulation of nerve endings.
  1. Then, after light stroking, the massage therapist slowly moves on to deeper strokes. These movements cleanse the sebaceous ducts, improving metabolism in the scalp.
  1. Afterwards, semicircular and zigzag movements are performed. With his left hand, the massage therapist holds the patient’s head, and rubs with the fingers of his right hand. Movement activates the nerve endings of the skin, which improves blood circulation and metabolism.
  1. This movement is followed by continuous vibration. Vibration is performed as follows: light, fast, dotted strokes are performed with the index and middle fingers. As a rule, such movements are performed in the parting area, each time retreating 2 cm and making a second parting.

All movements of the massage therapist should be light, gentle, allowing for slight pressure and shifts of the skin. The first procedures should not be long.

Head massage

Scalp massage

Face massage

In turn, facial massage is divided into massaging the facial skin, nerve endings and facial muscles. As a rule, movements are performed with all fingers except the thumb, which acts as a support. Movements should be moderately rhythmic and symmetrical.

  1. Frontal area massage

It’s worth starting from the frontal region. First, a superficial and straightforward stroking is performed. Afterwards, wave-like movements are performed with all fingers. You need to move from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

  1. Facial muscle massage

Massage of the facial muscle is performed with stroking movements with the fingers of both hands. You should start from the temporal fossa, gradually moving along the lower edge of the eye muscle. Slowly move to the inner corner of the eye, then to the bridge of the nose and eyebrows. Such movements should be performed 3-4 times.

  1. Chin massage

Chin massage is performed with soft stroking and rubbing movements. It is necessary to start movements from the lower edge of the lower jaw, gradually moving to the chin fossa. From the pit you should move to the corners of the mouth.

  1. Upper lip massage

Basically, massage of the upper lip is performed with the pads of the ring and middle fingers. The stroking movements are straight, from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose.

  1. Cheek massage

The masseur performs circular rubbing with the back of his fingers. You should start from the lower edge of the jaw, gradually moving to the nose area. This massage technique is also performed 3-4 times.

face massage

This procedure improves the external condition of the skin.

Head massage for hair growth

With this procedure you can strengthen and, most importantly, accelerate hair growth. Once carried out correctly, blood circulation improves, stimulating hair growth. In addition, massage has a calming effect on the nervous system.

It should be done at a slow pace, with soft, soothing movements. Best used with fingertips only. Ten minutes is enough to give a full massage. Systematic implementation of the procedure (once a day) will lead to the best results.

How to do it correctly:

  1. Using your fingertips, lightly stroke in the direction of hair growth. Start from the forehead area, slowly moving to the back of the head. No pressure, sudden movements or jerks.
  2. Afterwards, rubbing is performed. The movements are deeper, downward from the crown and back. Then, circular movements are performed along the same lines.
  3. Let's move on to light tapping. Using four fingers of both hands, light tapping is performed over the entire surface of the head.
  4. Then stretching is performed. The hair is fixed between the fingers and pulled upward with careful movements.
  5. Combing. You need to comb your hair at least 2 times a day - morning and evening. In this case, it is best to use a comb made of natural materials: wood or bristles. Combing is performed in all directions of hair growth.

Massage for headaches

Headache massage is very effective and not difficult to use. You need to take a comfortable position, relax and begin the techniques.

For headaches

Massage against headaches

  1. To begin with, you need to perform light stroking. Movements should be light, soft, consistent. Perform movements along the lymphatic vessels.
  1. Place your fingers on the top of your head, opposite each other. Then move towards the ears and neck. First you should massage the sides, then the forehead and crown.
  1. If you suffer from severe headaches, receiving continuous vibration will help in this case. It must be done with your fingertips and the entire palm.
  1. Acupressure of the reflex zone, which is located one and a half centimeters inward from the hairline, will help cope with headaches in the temporal zone. Perform the massage using gentle and careful pressure movements.

It is recommended to perform this massage 4 times a day.

The massage procedure will give you a feeling of lightness, relaxation, and calm. Systematic implementation will bring very good results.