Drinking medicine for bites

A good remedy for this is to give clover seeds in water or wine or a decoction of three varieties of chamomile to drink. The beaver stream works wonderfully, as for the milk of lagiya - and lagiya, I believe teryak, called bushandzhi and faravi - it is very helpful against the bites of all reptiles and especially the viper. Also useful are citvar root, bukha, bish moush, marigold, bazaward seed, watercress, cumin, which is similar to nigella, lovage, garlic, the skin of juniper leaves with pepper and the pepper itself. Galen says the wine into which the viper fell helps against the bites of the vipers, what then can be said about the teryak?

The citron seed counteracts any poison and is taken by two mithqals at a time. The root of stinking ferula is useful against all poisons, as is the fruit of the twig, the oil and grains of the balsam tree, the twig itself, walnuts and figs, hazelnuts, gentian, opopanax with aristolochia, oleander flowers and its leaves. Fresh plane tree fruits are wonderful in this regard, as are Chinese cinnamon, burnt goat feces in a dressing or in a drink, dubrovnik and lovage, as well as crayfish with milk, azhgon, sagapen, pistachios with wine, mint and its decoction in a drink and in a dressing , elecampane, yarrow, wild cumin, agaric and three dirhams of asphodel root. The insides of the weasel and its stomach also help, if you stuff it with coriander, dry it and use it if necessary, a decoction of garden mallow, marshmallow seeds, chicken brains, especially with rennet, soup from boiled alive weasel, soup from boiled live locust, if you drink it with wine , crayfish broth and turtle blood. Galban is a wonderful remedy, and gentian also has a wonderful effect, and wild carrot seed also helps.

Among the useful cold medicines is mandrake root in the form of a bandage with honey, wild chicory - it works wonderfully in this case, as does maidenhair.

Sometimes they combine agarik with one misqal of long aristolochia, and also prepare a wonderful teryak according to this recipe: they take opium and myrrh - one dirham, pepper - one and a half dirhams, the root of a long and round aristolochia - three dirhams, harmala and Indian cumin - each dirham, nigella - five dirhams, gentians - three dirhams, rue - two dirhams. All this is mixed with honey and one misqal with good boiled wine is drunk at a time using indau juice. But for the medicine with printed clay, they take a laurel drupe - two misqals, of printed clay - two misqals and two obols, they drink it with olive oil and take one bunduku at a time with three ukiyahs of honey-sweetened water.

Another teryak, common from bites and from drunk poisons, is pepper - ten dirhams, sumbul - two dirhams, aristolochia and jenos root - each dirham. The composition is mixed with the squeezed juice of the horns and placed in the sun for forty days, stirred once every day and moistened every time it dries. It is given with hot water, and some claim that it helps in the form of an ointment. A decoction of crayfish, the blood of an ordinary turtle and a salted sea turtle are also useful.

A useful medicine for any bite. They take nigella, harmala seeds, cumin - two darachmi each, gentian, round aristolochia - one darachmi of each, white pepper, myrrh - half a darachmi each, mix with honey. They drink one Rumian bakilla in wine at a time.

They also take gentians - two dirhams, pepper and rue - two dirhams each, and mix them with honey. This is the amount for one dose, and it is given to drink in wine.

They also take amom and balsam tree grains - three darakhmi each, indau seeds and leek seeds - each darakhmi, aristolochia and black ferula root - two darakhmi each, myrrh, saffron - each darakhmi, printed clay - four darakhmi. All this is mixed with honey, from which the foam has been skimmed, and about one baquilla is given for consumption.

They also take balsam tree grains, hyssop, wild turnip seeds, white and black pepper, long pepper, calamus, anise, mountain parsley, hoofed grass, Kerman cumin and henbane seeds - four darakhmi each, sumbul, aromatic rush inflorescences - six darakhmi each . All this is mixed with honey and given for consumption about one bakilla.