Aerobic training

We have all heard the phrases: “aerobic training”, “aerobic training”, “aerobic exercise” many times in our lives. Any athlete knows these terms. But what do they really mean? Let's try to figure it out in this article...

The term "aerobic" comes from the word "aero", which translates as "air", and actually stands for "requiring the presence oxygen" It is during aerobic training that our muscular system consumes significantly more oxygen, as a result of which the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system) begins to function several times more intensely. Aerobic training often involves:

  1. energetic, rhythmic, cyclic repetition of specially selected movements,
  2. inclusion of as many muscle groups as possible,
  3. exposure to them for a sufficiently long time.

Regular aerobic training has a positive effect on your appearance and on your work hearts. To ensure a complete supply of the oxygen it needs to the muscular system, our heart, during the training process, also tries to pump an increasing amount of blood with each beat in one contraction. By constantly improving your physical fitness, you get the opportunity to train more intensely and for longer, and you will also be able to recover much faster from the physical exertion received.

  1. Types of aerobic exercise.
  2. Who is aerobic training for?
  3. Additional benefits of aerobic training.
  4. How to choose the right aerobic training system?
  5. Disadvantages of aerobic exercise:

Types of aerobic exercise.

There are a wide variety of options for aerobic training. These include:
  1. Running or race walking,
  2. Swimming,
  3. A ride on the bicycle,
  4. Dancing,
  5. Roller skating, roller skating or skiing,
  6. Outdoor ball games such as basketball or football
In addition, you can include cardio exercises here:
  1. stepper,
  2. treadmill,
  3. exercise bike,
  4. comb,
  5. and others..

Who is aerobic training for?

Aerobic exercise in their daily lives they can (or rather, must!) can be used by almost all people, regardless of their level of physical development, age and gender. All of the above types of aerobic exercise have different intensity levels, and, therefore, from this variety there is always a choice for people with different physical fitness and motivation. It is quite possible to choose a suitable option even for those who suffer from chronic diseases or have suffered an injury.

If your age has exceeded 40 years, and you have hypertension, diabetes, obesity or other cardiovascular diseases and you have never played sports before, then when starting aerobic training, be sure to visit a doctor for advice on possible contraindications.

Aerobic exercise is very beneficial for people with:

  1. coronary heart disease,
  2. obesity,
  3. diabetes mellitus,
  4. arthritis,
  5. depression
  6. and premenstrual syndrome.

Additional benefits of aerobic training.

  1. Strengthening the cardiovascular system is not the only benefit of aerobic sports. In addition, they have a number of advantages:
  2. Improved mood. Anxiety and depression will leave you forever. The positive effect is recorded after just a couple of weeks of constant training.
  3. Improved sleep. It has already become an indisputable fact that people who regularly engage in aerobic exercise go to sleep faster and sleep more soundly. Just remember that you should not exercise less than two hours before bedtime.
  4. A constant regular boost of energy and vigor. Reduced fatigue. And hence the increase in life expectancy and quality of life.
  5. Increasing the content of “correct” cholesterol in the blood, which significantly reduces your risk of developing coronary heart disease.
  6. Weight control and weight loss. By getting aerobic exercise and properly supplementing it with a diet, we acquire an effective weapon for weight loss.
  7. Prevention of cancer. Long-term studies have shown that regular aerobic exercise significantly reduces the risk of cancer of organs such as the colon, breast and reproductive organs in women.

How to choose the right aerobic training system?

Let's determine the main factors influencing our training:
  1. Frequency: the number of workouts you need per week,
  2. Duration: time allocated for each lesson,
  3. Intensity: what is the complexity of the exercises you selected. You can determine the intensity of your workout by calculating the ratio of your heart rate during exercise in relation to your maximum allowable heart rate (as a percentage).

Moderate intensity training:

High intensity training:

race walking,


mowing grass with a hand scythe,

dance aerobics,

swimming, dancing,

long swims,

cycling on flat terrain.

cycling uphill.

During intense physical training, your breath And pulse much are becoming more frequent. Important control frequency of contractions of the heart muscle during aerobic exercise.

The table below shows indicators HR (heart rate) depending on age. Optimal heart rate is what you need to strive for to get the maximum benefit from your workout.

Optimal heart rate
(beats per minute)

Maximum heart rate
(beats per minute)


































70 and older

Beginners are advised to limit themselves to training 3 times a week for a quarter of an hour. Increase the duration of classes - only after a few weeks, preferably months. Approach this matter with patience. Increasing the duration and intensity of training should be done very smoothly. In particular this is a very critical note for:

  1. overweight people
  2. old people,
  3. recovering from injury or illness.

Don't forget about required elements each workout: warm-up or warming up first and hitch or relaxation at the end.

Warm-up is aimed at preparing the body for physical activity, it slightly raises the heart rate and warms up your muscular system, thereby reducing the likelihood of injuries and sprains.

It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids both before and after, and even more so during training.

Some useful tips for using aerobic exercise:
  1. Your clothes should not restrict movement. Good, high-quality sportswear allows moisture to evaporate, keeping the body dry and retaining heat.
  2. Women are advised to use special sports bras if necessary.
  3. To determine the pulse, they usually use a watch with a second hand or a special device - a heart rate monitor. Such devices are now built into almost all modern simulators.

Disadvantages of aerobic exercise:

Aerobic training, like any physical activity, requires adaptation our body. At first, after exercising, you will sometimes feel pain in your muscles. Over time, your body will get into a rhythm and these unpleasant sensations will disappear.

Of course, physical training can lead to injury. If you feel severe discomfort or pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. The most common injuries are sprains and dislocations of joints and ligaments. Remember: you should never ignore severe pain. And a properly selected and balanced diet will help reduce the risk of injury. training programwhich includes not only aerobic exercise, but also power loads, And developing flexibility techniques.

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