A disaster that will kill one billion people in the 21st century

It is the only legal consumer product that kills approximately half of those who consume it. If immediate action is not taken, this will cause the deaths of one billion people in the 21st century. Let's say “NO” to cigarettes in the name of the future.

In the 20th century, the tobacco epidemic killed 100 million people worldwide. Worldwide, one death in ten is caused by the consumption of tobacco products. It is appropriate to remember that during the First World War, 10 million people died within four years, but within four years, but from tobacco consumption, 21.6 million died. In your opinion, isn’t a cigarette really a weapon of mass destruction in our modern world?

Currently, 5.4 million people die from tobacco and cigarette consumption every year. This year, tobacco will kill more than five million people - a total that will exceed the death toll from tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS and malaria. Terrible numbers, aren't they?

In 2000, smoking was the cause of death for 30 percent of men aged 35 to 70 in developed countries. Provokes serious thought, doesn't it?

Around the world, one person dies every 6 seconds due to smoking. According to estimates by the World Health Organization, more than 1.1 billion people currently smoke on the planet. Smoking deaths rarely make headlines, but the reality is that tobacco use kills one person every six seconds.

If immediate action is not taken:

  1. By 2030, smoking will kill approximately 8 million people each year.

  2. By 2030, more than 80 percent of deaths from tobacco will occur in developed countries.

  3. Tobacco products will cause the death of 1 billion people in the 21st century.

This is how addiction to a cigarette ruins a person.

A report from the World Health Organization states that tobacco is the only consumer product that can cause harm to everyone exposed to it. Despite this, tobacco use has become widespread around the world due to low prices, aggressive and targeted promotions, lack of information about the dangers of its use, and inconsistent government policies against its use.

It's time for a global war on smoking. Governments and societies must work together to put an end to this devastating epidemic that threatens the health and lives of billions of people. Let's say "No" to cigarettes for the sake of our future!