Dogs help pregnant women

Dog people tend to be healthier than non-dog people and are less likely to be overweight. Considering that expectant mothers are prone to a measured lifestyle and being overweight, British scientists recommend pets as an additional “exercise machine”.

Experts from the University of Infection and Global Health from Liverpool have for the first time studied the effect of dogs on the condition of expectant mothers. 11 thousand pregnant women of different ages took part in the experiment. It turned out that daily mandatory walks with pets provide pregnant women with physical activity sufficient to keep the body in good shape. Pregnant ladies with dogs cover twice the distance per day that ordinary ladies with bellies can handle. And the speed of movement of the former is much higher. This ensures muscle strengthening, blood saturation with oxygen and, accordingly, normalization of general condition, weight and blood pressure.

Doctors recommend exercise for pregnant women. Excess weight gained during pregnancy can negatively affect the health of both mother and baby. Under the supervision of “four-legged companions,” expectant mothers were able to more easily maintain their normal weight. Is this why many stars, even before the study by English scientists, did not part with their dogs during pregnancy? Well-rounded celebrities have more than once been caught by the paparazzi while walking in a very shabby state, simply popping out for a walk near the house with the dog for a couple of minutes.