How does our body wither and how to properly care for it?

Our body is not just a shell, but our closest friend and helper. The quality and duration of our life depends on how much we take care of it. Let's look at how various organs and systems of the body change over time and what needs to be done to keep them in good condition for as long as possible.

Brain. This is the main organ of our body, responsible for thinking and coordinating all processes. To keep it active, constant intellectual stress, learning new things, and solving problems are necessary. Quality rest and sleep is also important.

Leather. After age 20, the skin begins to lose firmness and elasticity due to decreased collagen production. Moisturizing and nourishing creams help, as well as a healthy lifestyle. Don't forget about sunscreen!

Lungs. Lung capacity gradually decreases after age 20. Breathing exercises, swimming, and walks in the fresh air help. Stop smoking!

Muscles and skeleton. Regular physical activity, yoga, swimming are a great way to maintain muscle tone and joint flexibility. Don't forget vitamin D for bones.

Eyes. With age, the elasticity of the lens decreases and accommodation is impaired. Regular preventive examinations, giving up bad habits, and proper nutrition help.

Hearing. Gradual hearing loss is associated with wear and tear on the receptors in the cochlea. Take care of your ears, don't listen to loud music.

Thus, health care and prevention are the key to longevity. Lead an active lifestyle, eat right, give up bad habits and undergo regular examinations. And your body will thank you with good health and good spirits!