Routine examination by a gynecologist: what do you need to know?

A routine examination by a gynecologist is an important procedure that allows you to identify diseases of the female reproductive system in the early stages and prevent their development. However, many women put off going to the gynecologist until later, fearing the procedure or not knowing what it involves. In this article we will tell you what you need to know about a routine examination by a gynecologist.

Preparation for inspection

Before going to the gynecologist, you need to prepare. If you are going to visit a local gynecologist at your local clinic, purchase a disposable gynecological examination kit from the pharmacy. It includes a mirror, sterile gloves and a diaper. If you have enrolled in a private clinic, then these institutions provide their patients with such kits, and you have nothing to worry about.

What does the procedure include?

At your appointment with the gynecologist, you will need to tell the doctor the date of your last menstruation, tell about what worries you and why you came for the examination. A gynecologist should evaluate the condition of your genital organs, vaginal mucosa and cervix. In addition, he will take the two necessary swabs.

The first smear is a urogenital smear, which is taken from the urethra, cervical canal and posterior vaginal fornix. It is analyzed in terms of the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and the composition of the microflora is examined, which can promptly detect the presence of Trichomonas and gonococci. The second smear is taken from the surface of the vaginal part of the cervix for cytomorphological examination. As a result, it will make it possible to determine the condition of the epithelium and timely identify various changes in the cells, which are characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process, viral infection or cervical dysplasia.

In a private clinic, a gynecologist will definitely offer you a colposcopy or video colposcopy - an examination of the cervix and vaginal mucosa under a microscope and displayed on a monitor screen. This method of examination helps to determine pathological areas and the degree of their change and spread. In addition to performing the above manipulations, the doctor will also use his fingers to conduct an examination called bimanual. At the same time, he inserts the index and middle fingers of one hand into the vagina, and lightly places the second on the abdominal wall. Thus, he can assess the density and consistency of the cervix, isthmus, the size and consistency of the uterus itself, and appendages. This process may be accompanied by pain, which indicates inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.

The last stage of the gynecological examination is palpation of the mammary glands. The doctor performs it in three different positions: when you are sitting, lying and standing. At the same time, he always pays attention to the size, density, symmetry, consistency, condition of the skin of the mammary glands, condition and symmetry of the nipples, and inguinal lymph nodes. He then palpates each breast in a clockwise direction. The doctor may squeeze the alveolar part of the breast to see if there is any discharge from the nipples.


A routine examination by a gynecologist is an important procedure that must be performed regularly to identify and prevent diseases of the female reproductive system. During the examination, the gynecologist assesses the condition of your genital organs, takes the necessary smears and palpates the mammary glands. If you notice any changes in the functioning of your body, do not put off going to the gynecologist until later. It is better to contact a specialist in time and prevent the development of the disease.