What you need to know about Pilates for an effective workout

Pilates is an effective tool in building a beautiful and strong body. Read our material to find out what you need to know about this training method for effective results.

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Pilates is a system of exercises that is designed to create a strong and flexible body. That is, the training combines elements of stretching with elements of strength training. I would like to immediately make a reservation that, of course, you cannot build a large muscle definition with the help of Pitales. However, it is quite possible to create a pumped up athletic body.

For Pilates classes to be effective, you need to know its basic principles, which are the basis for this type of training.


Breath control is a very important part of Pilates training. So, many people breathe shallowly. To train effectively, you will have to learn to breathe deeply. And it's not as simple as it might seem. The ideal breathing in the Pilates system is the type when the back expands during inhalation. Not the chest, and not the stomach as in yoga, but the back.

If you cannot inhale as described above, “breathe with your stomach” (when your stomach inflates slightly when you inhale). This is also a good option.

Pilates was originally developed as a rehabilitation system for soldiers during the First World War. A little later, the training system was picked up by American dancers: they used it to work out the whole body.


Many people, when they look from the outside at how people do Pilates, think that it is absolutely not difficult. In fact, the basis of any exercise in the system is the tension of the abdominal muscles and buttocks. First of all, it helps to remove all unnecessary stress on the spine, allowing you to pump your back muscles in complete safety.

In addition, building strong buttocks and abs allows you to improve the health of your internal organs and improve the health of your lower spine.

Pilates is an excellent training system for people who have back problems. It smoothly and gently creates a strong muscle corset with a very low risk of injury.


When practicing Pilates, it is very important to control every movement. So, your glutes and abs should be tight, plus other parts of your body should also be working. It is very important to concentrate on what you are doing.

In fact, it is somewhat similar to yoga, when during practice, thoughts should be in the exercise, and not soaring in pink clouds. If you lose control even for a moment, the effectiveness of this or that exercise will immediately decrease.

To learn to control yourself, turn off the TV and music with words during training, leaving only something for relaxation. Try to control your thoughts and think about the movement you are doing.


Exercises in the Pilates system are performed smoothly and without jerking. Again, they are somewhat similar to yoga, although compared to it, they are done more dynamically. The main thing is that all elements of the training are performed naturally and without strain.

It is strictly forbidden to do sudden exercises or feel severe discomfort. Pilates has lighter exercise options, so if you feel pain somewhere, use them. The point of Pilates is that the body becomes toned and gains strength gradually, so after a good workout you should feel relaxation in every muscle, not tension.