How to strengthen your Workout training? — street workout with additional weights.

Do you know how to diversify your workout training? In fact, training on the street is not particularly rich in all kinds of exercises. This is in the gym, with a large amount of equipment and equipment, there is always room to turn around, but what about on the street? – pull-ups on the bar, push-ups, and hanging leg raises, and along the way you begin to wonder what else can be added to this list. No, of course, the luminaries of the street workout movement will now immediately remember “coup lifts”, “forceful exits” and their other perverted gadgets, but we are not talking about them now... I think anyone will agree that the arsenal of a workout athlete is quite limited and gets tired to a large extent a bodybuilder working in a gym...

How can a street workout be enhanced, and how can you diversify your training on the street? - here's an excellent solution for you: weighted leg cuffs - why not an option? Put these bracelets on your shins and work as usual, but only with additional load. Pull-ups and inversions will be more difficult for you to do. Try doing push-ups on the uneven bars! Likewise, your aerobic training will undergo significant changes - try jogging with these weights!

In general, the thing is extremely useful. And we highly recommend it to you. Moreover, such a sports accessory costs mere pennies, but there are so many benefits from it!

As you can see, even a street workout style training limited to sports equipment and means can be diversified and strengthened with the proper effort and desire - so nothing is impossible. The main thing is to set a goal, and there will always be solutions!

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