The computer burns and dries your eyes. Where is the exit?

Millions of women today work with computers - accountants, students, secretaries. Headaches, fatigue, irritability, development of myopia - this is a new bunch of diseases that came to us with this convenient machine. How to get rid of “computer diseases”, read this article.

"Computer diseases" of the eyes - primarily increased visual fatigue. It can cause a sharp decrease in vision. Redness of the eyes appears. When working with older computers without a protective screen, your eyes may get burns to the central retina.

The reasons are the same as when watching color TV or looking at a bright light source, for example, an electric light bulb. Then it flashes and dazzles in your eyes. The timing of the onset of such troubles is different for everyone. Often, “computer illnesses” begin after only a week of work.

Now special spectral glasses for computer operators have appeared on sale. They can be with or without diopters. The filters of these glasses block harmful radiation from the screen. Thanks to the coatings, the lenses are practically unbreakable, and they themselves are almost twice as light as glass.

Those women who are constantly working on a computer are recommended to have such glasses, especially since they can be worn every day as sunglasses. They make the image on the screen more contrasty, the colors more natural, and the eyes are not tired.

But no one can protect your eyes better than you yourself. Therefore, if you have poor vision, be sure to use glasses when working, which are also correctly selected according to diopters.

It is also very important to regulate the regime of eye strain. After 40 minutes of work, there is a mandatory 10-minute break. During such a break, it is useful to do gymnastics for the eyes - rotate your eyes clockwise and back.

Some eye problems can be successfully treated with special exercises. There is a wonderful prevention aimed at maintaining visual acuity and relieving strain on tired eyes. A set of simple exercises perfectly trains the eye muscle and prevents its spasms.

Gymnastics brings the most tangible benefits to young people - with its help they can even improve the quality of their vision. And for those who are older, regularly performing the “eye” complex will help slow down progressive myopia and quickly relieve fatigue.

Eye exercises should be done twice a day, preferably for at least 3-5 minutes.

Eye prophylactic complex

Relaxation. Close your eyes tightly and try to relax. To perform this exercise, it is worth remembering some pleasant moments in life: a love date or your son’s first smile, the splash of a gentle sea or a forest walk. Every person has their own joyful memories.

Circular movements. Make circular movements with your eyes open: first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Movement in straight lines. Move your eyes intensively horizontally: right and left, and vertically: up and down.

Blinking. Squeeze and unclench your eyes intensely.

Diagonals. Direct your gaze to the lower left corner, that is, look as if at your left shoulder and focus your gaze on this point. After three blinks, repeat to the right side.

Mirror diagonal. Similar to the previous exercise, squint your eyes to the upper left corner, then to the right.

"Dark Relaxation" Place warm palms on your closed eyes, fingers crossed on your forehead. Relax and try to achieve a deep black color.

Blinking. Blink your eyes lightly and quickly at least a hundred times.

"Slanty eyes." Bring your eyes towards your nose. To perform this exercise, place the tip of your index finger on the bridge of your nose and look at it - then your eyes will easily “connect.”

"Near-far, or the work of the eyes at a distance." Go to the window and look carefully