How to pump up the middle of the pectoral muscles?

If you have already started bodybuilding, then you probably pay a lot of attention to your pectoral muscles. This group is most adapted to hypertrophy, and how it looks under a tight-fitting T-shirt, attracting the glances of passing persons of the opposite sex...

In the first years of going to the gym, it will seem to you that pumping up powerful and perfect breasts is an easy task, but this is not at all the case. Initially, the breasts will grow, but after some time you will see: the achieved result does not suit you at all, it has become like a woman’s. The problem is that athletes do not pay enough attention to the middle of the pectoral muscles. A good example is Iron Arnie, whose chest looks like a weighty, wide, voluminous metal plate that evokes fear and admiration, and not like inflatable balloons. From all of the above, we get a dilemma: how to pump up the middle of the pectoral muscles in order to give the upper half of the torso real harmony and impeccable proportionality?

In fact, there is absolutely no problem here, and you can pump up your midsection by training both in the gym and at home. First, let's look at the first option: working in a gym...

How to pump up the middle of the pectoral muscles?

Making breasts in the gym.

You should start doing bench presses at an incline angle of 30 degrees, or even better when using a Smith machine at the same angle. The barbell must be squeezed very sharply, while maintaining full amplitude. After lifting the bar, hold it, work your chest, and slowly lower it. Do 3 sets with a wide grip, then move your grip to shoulder-width for 3 more sets. Not all athletes can pump up the middle of the pectoral muscles by lifting the barbell with a narrow grip, that’s okay, in this case you will make up for lost time by further working on blocks. After the incline press, feel free to switch to the classic horizontal press, completing your standard approaches. Now start making blocks. Work on the top blocks first. When you close the blocks, pause at the peak of the contraction, work your pectoral muscles again, and open. Do not take too much weight, the effect depends on the frequency of execution. When working with lower blocks, you can safely experiment, try performing approaches with one hand, but do not forget to keep the handle near your chest. This will allow you to achieve maximum effect.

Making breasts at home.

We work on the chest muscles with push-ups.

When working on your pectoral muscles at home, don’t forget about such a universal exercise as push-ups. It is actually a natural analogue of the bench press. At the same time, in order to emphasize the load specifically on the middle part, you need to fix your legs on some elevation (stool, sofa, etc.) so that the angle between the floor and your body is the 30 degrees indicated above. Well, you need to work with your palms as wide as possible, and make sure that when lowering your elbows, they diverge perpendicular to your torso. For those who do not have enough load in the form of their own weight, we can recommend using weighting materials - for example, a shoulder backpack filled with something heavy to taste...

The quality of chest training at home depends on whether you have the necessary sports equipment. If you have a bench and barbell, try the incline exercises listed above. You can also get by with dumbbells while doing fly-ups. When your arms are straightened towards your chest, fix the position and contract your chest as much as possible. A bench for this work can be built from several stools arranged in a row. The main thing is that they are stable and strong.

If you don't have a bench, you can use dumbbells and a sofa. Lie on the sofa with the side of your leg facing down. Next, you need to fix your position on the shoulder blade, your shoulder should hang from the sofa. Alternately lift the dumbbell and hold it suspended. Instead of a dumbbell, you can use any homemade weight.