How to strengthen brittle and dry nails

How to strengthen brittle and dry nails

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are not only a symbol of beauty, but also of health. However, if your nails become brittle and dry, this may indicate nutritional problems or disorders in the body. In this article we will look at several ways to strengthen brittle and dry nails.

  1. Proper nutrition

One of the most important factors for strengthening nails is proper nutrition. Nails need vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and strong. If you notice that your nails have become brittle and dry, then you may be lacking certain vitamins and minerals. To strengthen your nails, it is recommended to consume foods rich in the following vitamins and minerals:

  1. Vitamin A - found in fish oil, chicken liver, apricots and carrots.
  2. Vitamin E is found in seeds and nuts, in egg yolks, legumes and green salads, in fermented milk products, meat, broccoli cheese and other varieties of cabbage.
  3. Calcium - a lot of calcium is found in seafood and pineapples, champignons, as well as legumes.
  4. Magnesium – Magnesium is found in seeds, bananas and legumes.
  1. Vitamin E capsules

If you want to quickly strengthen your nails, you can use vitamin E capsules. It can be bought at a pharmacy. You need to open the capsule and smear its contents on your nails and cuticles. In a week you will notice a significant effect, and in a month your nails will be strong and healthy.

  1. Medical masks

To strengthen your nails, you can use various therapeutic masks. Let's look at a few simple recipes:

  1. Mask of olive oil, lemon juice and iodine. Take a few tablespoons of olive oil, a couple of drops of lemon juice and the same amount of iodine. Mix all the ingredients and soak your nails in the mixture for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse with water without soap.
  2. Lemon mask. Cut 2 slices from the lemon, 1 cm thick. Stick all your nails into each slice at the same time, one of your right hand, the other of your left. Soak your nails in lemon juice for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Berry mask. Lubricate your nails with berry juice (cranberries, currants, lingonberries) and the skin around the nails.
  4. Mask made of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Apply a mixture of vegetable oil to your nails and add a drop of lemon essential oil or squeezed lemon juice. Apply every day for 10 days.
  5. Red pepper and cream mask. Place a mask of 1 teaspoon of red pepper and 1 teaspoon of any cream on your nails for 5 minutes. This mask is very effective for peeling and brittle nails.
  6. Natural wax. Dip your fingertips into clean wax melted in a steam bath and immediately into cold water. After this, put on cotton gloves and go to bed. Keep the mask on your nails all night. Do the procedure twice a week. There are six procedures in total. Nails will be perfectly strengthened. One course is enough to get rid of brittle nails for life.
  1. Vitamin C and zinc

If you have pinpoint depressions on your nails with white spots, it means your body is lacking vitamin C and zinc. Vitamin C is found in gooseberries, citrus fruits, potatoes, sea buckthorn, raspberries, tomatoes, and grapes. Zinc can be obtained from nuts, seafood, legumes and greens.

In conclusion, to strengthen brittle and dry nails, you need to eat right, eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and use medicated masks and other nail strengthening methods. Don't forget that healthy and strong nails are not only a symbol of beauty, but also of health, so don't be lazy in caring for them. If you have serious nail problems, consult a specialist.