Spinal problems and how to avoid them.

In this article we will talk about such a topical topic for many nowadays as back pain and spinal problems.

Let's figure it out - what causes them? The reason lies in excessive hyper-powerful physical activity or, perhaps, on the contrary - in physical inactivity, hypokinesia and a sedentary lifestyle?

We will try to look into the root of the issue, and will try to give real practical advice on preventing this disaster, and preventing all kinds of insidious diseases associated with it.

Previously, we have already briefly touched on this topic, telling you about the special “Fifth Vertebra” simulator, which combats the consequences of the above health problems. In this article we will discuss exactly the reason for their occurrence. So, what causes problems with the spine?

At first glance, it may seem that they arise precisely as a result of extreme physical activity. For example, a weightlifter lifts a heavy barbell with enormous weight, or a powerlifter does a deadlift, lifting a projectile three times greater than his own body weight. Yes, such loads, of course, can adversely affect your spine... And this is true, but...

But let's look at the statistics. One well-known site on the Russian Internet decided to conduct a large-scale sociological survey on this topic. The opinions of a large number of respondents were studied, with different genders, ages and lifestyles...

In fact, these statistical studies continue to accumulate to this day, and anyone can easily participate in this survey, which, by the way, we recommend that you do. However, despite the fact that the survey is still in full swing, some research statistics in this area are already available, and we can draw some conclusions now. Let's examine the results of the study...

  1. This is the deadlift we are considering.
  2. Standing/sitting press.
  3. Hyperextension.
  4. Bent over chest row.

In general, exercises with additional weight, where the body actively bends/extends in relation to the legs. Abdominal exercises don’t count here, since their main emphasis is on intensity and a large number of repetitions, and not on super-heavy additional weight (we don’t pump the abs with a barbell).

Also worth adding here are their weightlifting movements, such as:

  1. Jerk,
  2. Push.

The data obtained again suggest that extra-heavy physical activity leads to inevitable problems for our spine...

But let's now turn to the data from the lifestyle and physical activity chart of the surveyed respondents...

As we can see from the diagrams, problems with the spine occur much more often in people with a pronounced sedentary lifestyle, as well as sedentary work, than in athletes and representatives of heavy physical labor. And this is a confirmed statistical fact that you can’t get away with.

What conclusions can be drawn from this? – don’t be afraid of heavy physical activity! Of course, the super-heavy, exorbitant weights used by professional athletes can break the back of an inexperienced beginner. But exercising in moderation with a well-chosen weight of the apparatus, even in such complex physical exercises as deadlifts with the correct technique, is much more useful than sitting your ass in front of a computer or TV every day. As we see, statistics clearly confirm this.

So don’t be afraid to act—inaction is much more dangerous! Well, of course, take care of yourself, as the great Viktor Tsoi said - safety precautions and self-control have not yet been canceled. You need to act wisely! Therefore, do not forget to look at our section on techniques for performing all kinds of exercises in bodybuilding, powerlifting and fitness. Also, don’t forget to leave a comment about what you read, and then go to the gym and do some deadlifts!

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