What should be the volume of a weightlifter's training load?

Beginners can do about 10 thousand lifts in a year. Junior athletes perform approximately 12 thousand lifts per year. Athletes of the 1st category and kms should plan approximately 15 thousand lifts per year, ms - 18 thousand lifts, and msmk has a lower load. The increase in load from year to year occurs, firstly, due to an increase in the average number of lifts per workout; secondly, by increasing the number of workouts (while maintaining the average number of lifts per session) and, thirdly, by simultaneously increasing the first and second parameters.

The intensity of the strength training load among weightlifters of various weight categories is ambiguous. For athletes of predominantly light weight categories, it is approximately 36-41% of the combined total (on average 38.5%), in medium weight categories - approximately 35-40% (on average 37.5%) and in heavy weight categories - approximately 34- 39% (average 36.5%).

The main feature of long-term planning for the training of a weightlifter is a continuous (from year to year) increase in the intensity of strength and technical training load. The greatest increase in the intensity of the training load occurs in the first years. For example, for an athlete in the welterweight category, by the end of the first year of training the load intensity is approximately 72 kg, by the end of the second year - 87 kg, by the end of the third year - 98.5 kg, and by the end of the fourth year - 108 kg. That is, the average training weight of the barbell increases: in the second year - by 15 kg, in the third - by 11.5 kg and in the fourth - by 9.5 kg. In the seventh year of training, the average training weight of the barbell increases by about 4.7 kg and in the eighth year - by 3.8 kg. Subsequently, the increase in load intensity is insignificant.

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