Without cholesterol, the brain does not work

Nutritionists around the world strongly recommend that we beware of cholesterol, as it provokes heart disease. And here is a sensational discovery: due to a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood, a person’s intellectual abilities also decrease.

Scientists from Boston University came to this conclusion. About two thousand people took part in the researchers’ experiment; all of them were offered tests to determine their IQ level. Most of the test items are logical problems and concentration exercises. At the same time as the tests, the scientists took blood samples from the experiment participants and checked them for the content of various types of cholesterol.

The results of the study are shocking: people with low blood cholesterol are significantly inferior to other participants in the experiment - their intellectual abilities are 49% lower than the intellectual abilities of people with high cholesterol levels!

Of course, we are talking about the so-called “good” cholesterol, which is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels and prevents the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (symptoms include memory loss and dementia). To provide your body with this healthy cholesterol, eat nuts, legumes, grains, olive oil and sea fish.

Based on materials from zdravoe.com prepared by Anna Petrovskaya