How to lose weight after pregnancy and childbirth

Gaining weight during pregnancy is natural. It has to be that way, and it's worse if you don't. But it makes a huge difference whether your baby gains weight or you bloat yourself to enormous proportions.

Naturally, it is better to avoid extreme weight gain, both during the period of conception and during pregnancy itself. But even if you have gained more than 20 kg, this is not a reason to lose heart. The situation is more complicated when the gain of extra pounds is associated with hormonal imbalance in the body. In this case, you must definitely consult with specialists so as not to harm yourself even more.

Otherwise, you need to pull yourself together and slowly but surely get back into shape. Precisely slowly, since any extreme diets during the postpartum period, and even more so during breastfeeding, are strictly contraindicated. The body is already under enormous stress. Moreover, only slow weight loss gives long-lasting results.

In this case, it is nursing mothers who find themselves in a more advantageous position. Pediatricians recommend feeding a newborn with breast milk for at least 6 months. This time period should be used as the first stage of the program on the path to harmony. The diet that a nursing woman should follow contains a minimum of fat. All flour products, sugar, fast food are strictly prohibited - in general, everything that is harmful and causes us to gain extra pounds. The incentive for this diet is colossal - not a single mother wants her baby to feel bad. Therefore, you can stick to a nursing mother’s diet plan for quite a long time.

What you can do:

  1. meat, except pork and chicken (the latter is a strong allergen);
  2. fish, except fatty varieties;
  3. cereal porridges, except semolina;
  4. vegetable soups;
  5. low fat dairy products;
  6. herbal teas (chamomile, lemon balm);
  7. cranberry juice;
  8. dried fruits compote;
  9. green apples.

As for fruits and vegetables, opinions regarding the rationality of their inclusion in the diet of a nursing woman are ambiguous. But what is certain is that you won’t get much better from them. So here the decision is made individually.

How to lose 10 kilograms in a month?

Everything you cook should undergo minimal heat treatment, that is, be boiled or stewed. To do this, it is advisable to get a steamer or pressure cooker.

With this diet, the kilograms will go away slowly, because you need to eat often, but little by little. But the result of this diet is undeniable - a good complexion and a slim figure are guaranteed!

The second part of the program for becoming a slender doe is sports. Of course, we can and should recommend going to the gym. But, as a rule, rarely does anyone rush there immediately after giving birth. A new life, full of worries about the baby, pushes fitness classes into the background. But there is another, very good, and most importantly effective way not to part with sports.

All mothers with excited children spend most of their day outside, walking with a stroller. So, long walks are the best way to promote weight loss. It is important not to just stroll imposingly, enjoying the singing of birds or the first snowflakes. Although this is sometimes necessary. But in our case, we need to walk at a fairly fast pace, even better along difficult routes, for example, uphill. Considering that at the same time you are also pushing the stroller in front of you, the effect will definitely be there. This is a complete cardio workout. But you need to “walk” like this for 30-60 minutes, otherwise the result will be minimal.

If losing weight after pregnancy is your main goal, you can purchase a special stroller for running (jogging). With this stroller, mommy can even wear roller skates! Both fun and sporty!

Add abdominal exercises at home, minimal cosmetic procedures for the skin (scrub, moisturizing, wraps if possible) - and you will see how your body will change