Exercises for thin thighs.

It is clear that not everyone is lucky enough to be born with good genetics, but this is not at all a reason for disappointment, because all disadvantages, if you make an effort, can be turned into advantages. Suppose you want to pump up or tighten your legs, this article just provides for the disclosure of certain features in exercises for thin thighs.

The best exercise is, of course, squats with a barbell, they will help you outline the desired shape of your legs, and also tighten your buttocks, make them elastic and voluminous, which is good for both girls and men who are involved in fitness or bodybuilding.

It is better to do classic squats, for this you need to select the desired weight of the projectile, go to the racks, place the bar behind your head, holding it at the level of the rear delts, but not on the neck, take a step from the racks and start squatting.

In practice, it looks like this: average foot position (shoulder-width apart), gaze directed straight, knees straight, back straight with a slight arch. This is the starting position. Then you need to start squatting, slowly lowering yourself and inhaling, trying not to bring your knees past your toes and squatting so that your buttocks are parallel to the floor. It is best to do 4 sets of this exercise with 8 repetitions. As you gain more training experience, you can increase the load, while changing the number of approaches.

The second very important exercise recommended for thin thighs is lunges with dumbbells in hands, they are performed very easily, they can be done both on the spot and over a distance. To do this, you need to take dumbbells in both hands with a straight grip, holding them at the seams and, taking a step with your right foot, slowly inhale and lower yourself to your left knee and vice versa. Keep your back straight and look forward. For a good effect, you will have to do 3-4 approaches of 15 steps. This pumps up the quadriceps and part of the gluteal muscles well.

By eating right and exercising, you can definitely achieve good results.

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