Camembert + Gorgonzola = Cambozola cheese

Cambozola (lat. Cambozola) is a German cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk with the addition of blue mold. This German was first invented not so long ago, in the eighties of the twentieth century by the Champignon company, located in Bavaria. And it is a combination of two excellent cheeses from France and Italy, just like its name, based on the words Camembert and Gorgonzola.

The process of producing Cambozola is practically no different from the preparation of similar dairy products. Just like in Gorgonzola and Roquefort, Penicillium roqueforti, a noble mold fungus, is added to it.

Cambozola has a soft cheese mass, covered on the outside with a white crust with streaks of mold. This is due to the cream content in the recipe. As in other similar products, mold gives the taste sharpness and richness; if not for it, it would be very similar to Camembert.

Cambozola is prepared in two types:

  1. The classic type of Cambozola with a fat content of 70%, made from cream and whole cow's milk.
  2. The low-calorie type of Cambozola with a fat content of 25% is what our bodybuilding school recommends to include in your diet.

Of course, it is difficult to enter into a fight with famous cheese titans, whose production history dates back to the 10th-12th centuries. But, despite its youth, this cheese has gained popularity among gourmets not only in its homeland in Germany, but also abroad throughout Europe. In 1998, based on the results of participation in the famous competition, Cambozola cheese was awarded the “Product of the Century” award and received “Three stars”!!!

How great this cheese is for sandwiches! - beyond words! And sandwiches, as you know, are the fastest and most easily accessible, satisfying snack - what an athlete of any level of training needs... And if you think that a sandwich is just a piece of bread or a roll with cheese, then you are completely wrong. By the way, there is a great online resource for just a huge number of recipes for this unique dish: I myself constantly cook according to these instructions, and I am incredibly pleased. I recommend! But let's return again to Cambozola...

Well, here’s one last interesting fact for you: a couple of years ago a great sporting event took place: the 2014 World Hockey Championship. Guess what famous German product was one of its main sponsors? – quite right – today’s discussed guest of our cheese plate. And you must admit, this already says a lot. Enjoy your meal!

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