Using gadgets before bed increases stress

The modern world depends on technology, and many of us cannot imagine our lives without mobile devices and tablets. However, according to a recent study, using these gadgets within two hours before bed can have a negative impact on a person's mental state.

Doctors say that light from gadget displays suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. This can lead to insomnia and sleep disturbances. In addition, using the Internet forces a person to remain in a constant state of tension, to be attentive and not to relax, which can also cause stress and anxiety.

At the same time, exercise, watching TV and reading books do not have such a negative effect on the psyche and the state of the body as a whole. This is due to the fact that TV screens and e-readers usually do not emit such bright light as the screens of mobile devices, and also because reading and watching TV do not require constant attention and effort.

If you want to improve your sleep and avoid the negative effects of screen use before bed, experts recommend limiting screen time within two hours before bed. You can also use special apps that help reduce screen brightness and suppress blue light, which has the greatest impact on melatonin production.

Overall, using technology before bed can increase stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact your sleep quality and overall health. Therefore, if you want to avoid these negative consequences, it is recommended to limit your screen time, especially before bed.