What to do if a tick does bite you?

The tick is not detected immediately, but at home, when it is already actively “rooted”. And it usually causes disgust and fear. Should I run to the doctor if I find a tick on my body?

First of all, it is important to understand where the tick comes from. For Ukraine, tick-borne encephalitis is a moderately relevant topic. We have regions where this infectious disease occurs, but the Kiev region is not dangerous for encephalitis. If you live in another region, you can find out whether there is a high chance of contracting encephalitis from any local doctor. If there is a danger of becoming infected, of course, you should immediately consult a doctor to get an injection of immunoglobulin, which contains protective antibodies to encephalitis. It is very expensive and not always available. It is cheaper and more practical to get vaccinated ahead of time.

The second deadly disease spread by ticks is Lyme disease. It is characterized by the appearance of red circles around the bite. If you find a rash in the form of red circles on your skin, rush to the doctor. Moreover, if you remove a tick one day after the bite, the likelihood of getting sick is almost zero. You can do this yourself.

Pull the tick out with a sharp upward movement, perpendicular to the skin. If the head remains, there is nothing dangerous about it. It can be removed with a sterilized needle, like a splinter. Or add iodine and leave it like that. Over time, it will come out on its own.

To avoid having to deal with such unpleasant procedures at all, when going to the forest, dress in the right clothes. Pants should be long, tucked into socks. The shirt is also only with long sleeves, tucked into trousers. Windbreaker with a hood and elastic bands on the sleeves and hem. In addition, try to walk only on wide paths and regularly inspect yourself and your clothes for ticks that have landed. The places parasites like to cling most are around the ears, in the ears, along the hairline, in the armpits and waist, in the groin and between the toes.