Swim and lose weight: where to sign up for aquafitness in Kyiv

The approaching heat provokes women to reconsider their sports preferences a little. Classes in a stuffy gym can discourage you from coming to training altogether. We cannot afford such weakness, so I WANT suggests moving to the pool! Moreover, changing types of training has the best effect on your figure.

Summer is the best time to start doing water aerobics. It is clear that there are no seasonal restrictions for this type of fitness. But still, it is in the summer that you feel more comfortable in cool water, and after training you need much less time to get yourself in order. In addition, aqua fitness is one of the best ways to make your body slim and fit.

Reasons why you should give the green light to aquafitness

  1. This is a completely special type of physical activity when all the muscles work at the same time. There is simply nothing to compare it with!

  2. Helps you quickly and effectively lose excess weight. One lesson in the water is equal to 3-4 lessons in the gym. This happens due to water resistance, which when moving the body is 12 times greater than air resistance and requires more effort than when exercising on land;

  3. water is a natural massage therapist! It saturates the skin with moisture, making it firm and elastic;

-training in water effectively eliminates cellulite;

  1. water pressure improves blood circulation throughout the body, stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, stimulates blood supply to the cardiovascular system and the return of venous blood to the heart;

  2. in water, the force of gravity decreases, which relieves tension from the spine, and it straightens and stretches;

  3. increases endurance and improves coordination of movements.

  4. improves emotional state, as water washes away negative feelings.

For every taste

Today there are a lot of variations on the theme of aquafitness, so you definitely won’t get bored with the classes, and you will certainly achieve results.

Training features:

“Medium” water – at chest level – is good for those who want to lose weight and get rid of cellulite. The muscles of the pelvis and abdomen are well worked out here.

“Deep” water means that you need to do aqua fitness without touching the bottom. In this case, all muscle groups are “loaded” perfectly.

Various sports equipment is used for targeted loads.

aqua jogging or water running - is carried out in deep water in such a way that a person, performing all the same movements as during normal running, does not touch the bottom. Considered a good exercise against cellulite;

water walking - based on the same principles as aquajogging;

water jumps - depending on the type of exercise, can be performed in medium and deep water;

Aquadance - dance movements in water.

There are types of aquafitness that appeared as a result of a combination of some other types of training that do not take place in water:

aquapilates - static exercises for muscle endurance;

aquastretching - exercises for stretching and strengthening muscles;

aquatai - energetic exercises with elements of martial arts movements;

aquastep - exercises in medium water with a special step platform (aquastepper);

Aquatic exercises - Most machines look like regular gym machines, but use water resistance instead of weights.

There are also names of aquafitness such as aquabuilding, aquatraining, hydroathletics, aquatic strength training and the like. All this roughly has the same meaning, but differs in the goals and principles of training.

Where to do aqua fitness in Kyiv

Aqua complex "Planet Sport" in Troeshchina, Mayakovsky Ave., 93v.

"Sportlife" on Protasov Yar, st. Nikolay Grinchenko, 2/1.

"Sportlife" On Pechersk, st. Zverinetskaya, 59.

Swimming pool of gymnasium No. 323, st. Mishugi, 5.
