Ugly bone on the foot. How to get rid of it?

Bunions on the feet are an unpleasant condition when the first toes of the feet deviate to the outside and bone tissue grows at the base of each on the inside. Therefore, you will have to forget about beautiful dress shoes with heels, because apart from painful discomfort they will not bring you anything. High heels make a woman's leg more beautiful and attractive, however, this pleasure is not without unpleasant consequences.

When you wear high heels, your body weight falls on the forefoot. There just isn't enough room for your toes in your shoes! And the “struggle for survival” begins between them. The second finger begins to be indignant first. In this case, the first finger moves to the vacant space and bends towards the second finger - this is how a painful bone is formed.

The plumper a woman is, the faster her “bones” develop. The main reason is foot overload: working on your feet, excess weight, very high-heeled shoes. For the time being, the joints of the foot diligently perform their duties. And then they give up, and the foot changes shape.

With a slight deformation, the process of the appearance of a bone can be stopped by an orthopedic insole, spacious shoes and a heel of 3-4 cm. And of course, correction of your weight!

If the deformity is significant, the doctor will recommend surgery, during which the bone growth will be eliminated, the first toe will be returned to its normal position, and the foot will again become narrow and attractive.

Let’s say right away: no one is immune from the occurrence of such a defect. Of course, the development of the disease is facilitated by constant wearing of uncomfortable narrow and hard shoes, but in most cases it is inherited, and through the female line. Men, as a rule, do not have such problems.

The joint of the thumb is adversely affected by work associated with long-term standing, stress and weakened immunity.

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above?

Firstly, it is impossible to predict and prevent the appearance of a “bone”.

Secondly, since we cannot fight nature, we must rely on our own strength - strengthen the muscles of the feet with the help of therapeutic exercises. And if you combine exercises with special baths and massage, the results will be even better - the growth of the bone can slow down and even stop completely.

Thirdly, do not wear narrow shoes with hard insoles and “oak” soles, as well as anatomically incorrectly designed shoes. The weight of the body should not put pressure only on the toes - the load on the feet should be even!

Foot baths and compresses with a “bone”

Bath 1:

Brew 110 grams of dill seeds and 30 grams of white lilac flowers in 1.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew, strain, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and stir. Pour the warm mixture into a bowl and immerse your feet there for 20 minutes.

Bath 2:

Brew a tablespoon of pomegranate peels with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for an hour. At this time, boil 20 grams of rose petals in half a liter of water for 15-20 minutes under a closed lid. Cool, mix with infusion of pomegranate peels, pour into a bowl and keep your feet in it for 20 minutes.

If the joint is very inflamed and the bone is very painful, try using compresses.

Compress 1:

Soak the gauze, folded in half, in hot water, wring it out and place finely chopped parsley on it in an even layer. Carefully apply to the bone and hold until the gauze dries.

Compress 2:

You can also try a compress of vinegar essence, but only if there is no redness or pain at the moment. Mix half a teaspoon of essence with 0.5 cool boiled water, soak a piece of gauze in the liquid and apply it to the bone, put cellophane on top, something warm on it and keep the compress for 40 minutes. Then remove and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

***To prevent the appearance of a bone - cl