Soda causes internal obesity

Daily consumption of 1 liter of cola (or any soda) threatens a person with an increase in the concentration of fat in the liver and abdominal muscles, and this in turn leads to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Danish scientists from Aarhus University Hospital came to this conclusion.

Experts divided a group of 47 overweight volunteers into subgroups, which drank a liter of water, milk and cola, respectively, every day for six months. At the end of the experiment, the scientists concluded that people who drank cola had 25% higher concentrations of fat surrounding their internal organs than before the start of the study, and the fat content in their liver and muscles almost doubled. Experts often associate such metamorphoses with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Let us remember that the fat that surrounds the internal organs (it is also called ectopic) is considered very dangerous. Unlike subcutaneous, it does not allow organs to function normally. Scientists, in turn, recommend drinking no more than three cans of soda per week.