Nature's Trick: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It is called “the acquisition of the twentieth century”, “a companion of civilization”, it is awarded with many vivid definitions, each of us at least once in our lives has become a victim of its cunning. We don’t perceive chronic fatigue syndrome as a disease, because it disguises itself with the grace of a skilled artist.

Cunning and treacherous

Perhaps the colorful epithets assigned to chronic fatigue syndrome - “an acquisition of the 20th century” - are not entirely justified, since similar conditions were mentioned by Hippocrates and Avicenna, and doctors of the 19th century called the disease “neurasthenic syndrome” and treated it with sedatives. Modern scientists are sure: the notorious chronic fatigue accumulates in people who are overloaded with work and all sorts of problems, who do not know how to relax and share the problem with a friend.

Many nervous diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and psychological disorders may be just a consequence of chronic fatigue syndrome. You can treat suddenly “jumping” blood pressure, headaches, sleep disorders for years - and find completely worthy reasons for the occurrence of these health troubles.

The official diagnosis of “chronic fatigue syndrome” was established in the late 80s. The country of origin of this term is considered to be the USA. It was there that full-scale research began on this then incomprehensible syndrome. Obviously, the United States is the first country to recognize the clear downsides of workaholism and its consequences.

Sign of the times

Ordinary, or as doctors say, physiological fatigue of the body is formed as a result of mental, mental or physical stress that a person constantly experiences. It goes away after a full, albeit short, rest. But if a person feels constant, causeless fatigue that prevents him from living in his usual rhythm, then this is a reason to think not only about rest, but also about treatment.

First of all, doctors classify people from megacities as a risk group. The most dangerous age is from 25 to 45 years - the age of greatest activity. Businessmen and office workers who are exposed to daily emotional and mental stress at work for 14-16 hours are the clearest target for the syndrome.

Fatigue = stress?

There is still no consensus in the medical world about the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome. Previously, it was assumed that the main cause of the syndrome was constant stress, hence the first name: fatig syndrome (translated from French fatigue - fatigue). With the passage of time and the development of science, a version of the viral origin of the disease appeared.

Treatment as rest

The failure of any well-functioning natural mechanism causes “reverse” stimulation of the immune system; instead of natural stimulants, the body produces substances, the accumulation of which leads to the development of fatigue; they are called anti-stimulants, or markers of fatigue.

The doctor will help you return to life without fatigue quickly and successfully. You can contact an immunologist, neurologist or neuropsychiatrist. Please note that treatment is best carried out in a place that isolates the person from the usual environment.

First of all, the doctor establishes a certain schedule of rest and physical activity (therapeutic gymnastics, active water procedures, massage), prescribes a certain diet, a complex of necessary vitamins and microelements, and medications as needed.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease with psychological overtones, therefore, in treatment, great importance is attached to elements of psychotherapy.