Fitness to music: what and how to dance to lose weight and be healthy

We all, no matter how much we actually weigh, dream of losing weight. And at the same time, we don’t really want to starve ourselves, exhaust ourselves with sets and repetitions in the gym, poison ourselves with miracle pills that promise to disappear five kilos in a week... If you also dream of a toned figure, but without damage to the psyche, dance forms of fitness are for you. All dances - be it belly dancing or ballet, hip-hop or flamenco - are excellent physical exercises that improve coordination and flexibility, making absolutely all muscle groups work. Including the main muscle – the heart. In addition, dancing forces the lungs and circulatory system to work “to the limit,” saturating every cell with oxygen and accelerating the metabolism. If you dance without being lazy, giving all your strength, you can lose more than one kilogram of excess weight. Oh yes, and dancing is an ideal trainer for self-confidence and a stimulant of a great mood!

Hot dance
One of the most popular types of dances in today's fitness clubs is Latin. This is a compact version of the Latin American ballroom dance program, including elements of salsa, merengue, rumba, cha-cha, paso doble, mamba and adapted “for dummies.” “Latina” is a fast dance and, while the coach explains in motion all the elements of the composition being learned, it makes you sweat a lot, as if under the scorching sun of Argentina or Cuba. Burning 500 calories in an hour of intense training is a piece of cake!

Dance floor for athletes
Club dancing is fitness, born as a result of a mixture of many styles. Club dance movements are based on dozens of modern techniques - hip-hop, house, R'n'B and others. Everything is the same as in nightclubs, minus the smoke and alcohol, plus comfortable sportswear and a professional trainer. Like Latin, club dancing is universal: it provides general aerobic exercise and forces all muscles to work at the same time. And there is one more advantage of such training: in a month or two, when you go to a night entertainment venue, you will be able not only to stomp on the dance floor, but to surprise your friends with a fiery dance.

Striptease against cellulite
Remember the movie "Striptease" with Demi Moore? You can also learn to dance sexually in almost any sports center, in strip classes. Strip dance is a type of aerobics that “borrowed” movements from professional dancers: “cats”, “waves”, erotic hip movements... It’s not a fact that during a month of training you will be taken to a striptease bar, but the training will certainly teach you freedom and flexibility . In addition, this is an excellent exercise for the body, which improves posture and tightens the entire body. To work on problem areas, the trainer usually adds regular exercises for the abs, buttocks and stretching exercises during the warm-up or after training. All you need for classes is heels, comfortable clothes (for example, shorts, a T-shirt and leg warmers) and... the right mood.

East is a delicate matter
And it’s no secret that oriental women who perform dances of the same name have thin waists. Oriental dances - they are also called belly dancing, bellydance - liberate, cause a feeling of pleasure from movement. Any woman, regardless of her age, height and physique, becomes attractive and sexy. Belly dancing forces a variety of muscle groups to work: calves, thighs, abs, buttocks, arms, back, shoulders... From a medical point of view, belly dancing is recommended for girls to increase blood supply to the pelvic organs, this is a good prevention (not treatment, but prevention !) gynecological diseases.

Body-ballet, as the name suggests, is based on classical ballet: the same positions and movements are supplemented with warm-up, stretching exercises and exercises for the “practice”.