How to make your face look fresh

A woman’s face reacts both to external factors (frost, heat, strong winds) and to factors that she herself creates: she cried bitterly - her nose will turn red and swell, she slept longer than expected - her eyelids will swell, etc. As you can see, the face gives us away and requires close attention.

Nowadays, an ode to the cult of youth is sung, and in pursuit of it, some women are capable of radical measures. Some seek to preserve what they have (the elasticity and evenness of the skin) by resorting to the help of surgeons. Others choose the opposite path and, in order to preserve their youthful appearance, strive not to show emotions, enclosing themselves in a kind of flask called “I am always calm.”

Both the first and the second in different ways pursue the same goal: to deprive one’s face of a full life and thus preserve its youth. But muscles (there are several dozen of them on the face) help maintain the elasticity (youth) of the skin. Training for facial skin tone is a process of constant tension and relaxation of muscles. And our emotions provide us with such a charge. Why give them up?

If you think about it, “removing emotions” means ceasing to be a woman. After all, emotions are its main distinguishing feature and this feature must be treasured.

Emotional facial exercise

What kind of facial skin do you want to have? Gray, haggard or radiant, young, elastic? Of course, one of the important attributes of achieving the desired result is sleep, water, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air and moderate sunbathing.

Do you take care of your body on a physical level? What do you allow yourself on a subtle, intangible level? What emotions and thoughts predominate in you? Do you allow yourself to be angry and happy in equal measure, to be irritable and then calm?

Give your muscles an equal amount of stress with one and other emotions, and, of course, know how to get out of them into a relaxed, comfortable state for you. Look for your own personal ways - walking, knitting, reading - this is your individual trump card.

Communication with a person

According to the experiments of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, water is alive and reacts to human speech. He spoke words of gratitude to one bottle of water, and called names to the second. The water that was thanked consisted of beautiful crystals of regular shape, but in the water that was blamed, the crystals either failed to form or were asymmetrical, torn and ugly.

We see the reflection of our face more often than the reflection of the whole body. How often and what do you think about it? “I’m swollen again,” “I don’t want to look at myself,” “I’m getting old...”? Or maybe you compliment yourself: “I am a goddess”, “I am the best”?

Start talking to your face sincerely. Listen to what it tells you. Every emotion has its reflection on the face. Take a closer look and understand exactly how your face reacts.

If bags appear under your eyes or the corners of your lips droop, this indicates emotions of dissatisfaction, grief and condemnation that you feed on excessively. It's time to understand the reasons and find positive emotions that make you happy.

Accept your face as it is. Others see you differently than you see yourself. Ask them to describe your appearance. Face and body are a given that correspond to your soul. Understand and appreciate your gift.

Your face is a reflection of your soul. The radiance and tone of your skin depend on your desire to live. Listen to your thoughts and emotions, give them life!