Scientists: Regular aerobic exercise rejuvenates the brain

You probably remember the saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” We don't know about the soul, but a new study by scientists suggests that aerobic exercise will help keep the mind healthy. There is also evidence that exercise improves the lives of people with Alzheimer's disease.

A number of studies have shown that vigorous exercise in people resulted in minor declines in cognitive performance due to a misshapen protein linked to the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Laura Baker, a cognitive neuroscientist at Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina, says regular aerobic exercise can rejuvenate the brain. Therefore, he recommends that everyone, even older people, not forget about physical activity. The fact is that exercise is good for the heart, and it, in turn, has a positive effect on brain function. Even 15 minutes of physical activity a day will be beneficial for your health.