The most unfavorable month for conceiving a child has been revealed

Research conducted by American scientists has shown that the month of conception can have a significant impact on the health of the unborn child. This is especially true for children conceived in May. According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, these babies are more likely to be born prematurely and are susceptible to illnesses such as the flu.

The study was based on American social services data collected during the birth of nearly 1.5 million babies in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Initially, scientists wanted to determine how bad habits and lifestyle of parents could affect the health of the unborn baby. However, studies have shown that even if the parents did not lead a very healthy lifestyle, this had virtually no effect on the baby.

Instead, scientists have found that there is a connection between the period of conception and many factors in the first days of a child's life. More precisely, the month of conception determined the weight of the newborn and his immunity. It turned out that children conceived in the summer have a relatively healthy weight.

However, the most unfavorable month for conception was May. Researchers have found that babies conceived during this month are much more likely to be born premature and susceptible to illnesses, including the flu. According to scientists, this may be due to the fact that May babies are born in January-February, when flu epidemics often occur.

Thus, if you are planning to have a child, you should consider the month of conception. It is best to do this in the summer, when the risk of negative consequences is minimal. And if you do conceive a child in May, do not panic - all children are different, and the child’s health depends not only on the month of conception, but also on many other factors, such as the health of the parents, proper nutrition and lifestyle.