How to lose weight without straining

We always associate weight loss with hard, grueling work in the gym and an equally grueling diet. But let’s tell you a secret: you can lose weight without really straining yourself.

Here are 10 simple tips to stay in good shape.

  1. Glass of water

A simple and familiar rule is to start each meal with a glass of water, which will fill your stomach and calm your hunger a little. You immediately want to eat less, and after this you won’t be able to fit in much. In addition, you are definitely not in danger of dehydration. But it will only be effective in combination with other tips.

  1. Change foods without losing calories

You can feel energized and full by making the right changes to some of the foods in your diet. So, instead of your favorite cheddar, eat mozzarella, instead of a loaf - grain bread, instead of yogurt with fruit additives - vanilla, and instead of a cup of raisins, it is enough to eat 15 grapes.

  1. Chocolate

If you can’t overcome your craving for sweets, don’t rush to reach for cookies and jam. Better eat a piece of dark chocolate (only real dark chocolate). At first, it will not completely replace your favorite treats, but soon you will be surprised at how easy it is to give up sugar.

  1. Regulate portions

To avoid feeling deprived of something, just buy any food in smaller portions. So, instead of a full-sized package, buy a nicely sealed smaller one. This is irrational from a financial point of view, but it will help you lose weight. And visually it will be possible to deceive the body, because it will know that everything that is there is on the table in front of it, and there is nothing left in the bins.

  1. Activity

We're not trying to encourage you to join a gym here (although it's very helpful), just increase your walking. Go for walks on weekends with friends and family, or just with your dog. Go up the steps to the desired floor, leave your car in the adjacent parking lot, and spend your lunch break walking aimlessly near the office.

  1. Beverages

Forget about tea and coffee with sugar, don’t drink store-bought juices, put aside the tempting glass of wine with dinner. Lean on your grandmother's compotes without preservatives, drink water, adding lemon, mint, cranberries (fruit juice) or even cucumbers.

  1. Hunger

Do not think that abstaining from food for a long time will give quick and effective results. Sooner or later, before you know it, you’ll be eating a cake or grilled chicken at midnight, which was so unwisely left in the refrigerator. Was it worth fasting all day? And if you eat little by little 5-7 times a day, blood sugar is maintained at the proper level all day.

  1. Proteins and fiber

Don't fill your stomach with junk like chips and flavored crackers, they are not only unhealthy, but also won't satisfy your hunger. Eating foods rich in protein and fiber will make you feel full quickly, and you will eat much less.

  1. Last meal

There is no need to torture yourself by stuffing yourself with everything you can before 6. It’s enough to just eat your last meal 2 hours before bed, it should be a light meal. And during breakfast and lunch you need to eat fully.

  1. Dream

Lack of sleep provokes hunger. The body does not receive the required amount of energy and strives to compensate for it with food. 7-9 hours is quite enough for an adult.