How to pump up calves at home for girls?

Many girls are familiar with the problem of thin calves. They say that a woman needs 10,000 steps a day to have slender legs. In modern conditions, this is difficult to achieve, but not everyone is ready to go to the gym. With persistent training, it is quite possible to achieve chiseled shapes at home.

How to pump up calves at home for girls?

This article will tell you: how to pump up calves at home for girls. Real recipes and effective tips await you; so, let's go...

For smooth leg relief, an integrated approach is used: simultaneous strength and cardio exercises. If your problem is too thin calves, focus on strength exercises; if you need to lose weight, put more emphasis on cardio. It is necessary to pump your legs 2-3 times a week, allowing sufficient time for the restoration of the muscle fibers involved in the work.

The muscle group in question includes the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. The latter is hardly noticeable to the eye, but makes up 75% of the volume of the muscles of the lower legs. Keep this in mind when planning your workout: start exercises with the soleus, as it is more resilient and less responsive to physical impact. The gastrocnemius tenses as much as possible when the knee joint is extended, and the soleus tenses when it bends.

Cardio exercises harmoniously develop the lower leg:

  1. Running (cycling, rollerblading, skiing). Start as you become physically fit and gradually increase the time of training. Jogging trains both target muscles in question.
  2. Jumping rope. It is required to perform until the involved muscles feel a burning sensation.
  3. Jumping onto a step, step platform or its home equivalent. Stand in front of a platform or other strong elevation at a distance of 30-50 cm. Jump on it and straighten up 10 times, trying not to swing your arms too much. To avoid damaging your knees, do not jump back, but go down. So 4 approaches. In addition to the calves, this exercise allows you to pump up the muscles of your legs and buttocks.
  4. Dynamic dances in which calf raises are actively involved.

A typical mistake: after doing strength training, start doing cardio. It is correct to start a lesson with aerobics and end with strength training. Only in this mode can high-quality and rapid growth be achieved.

Sit on a chair. Place a bottle of sand, a backpack loaded to the top, or another suitable heavy object on your lap. Slowly lift your feet onto your toes, pausing for static load at the top point. If after 15 repetitions you feel a burning sensation, it means that the weight was chosen correctly. Do 3-4 approaches.

How to pump up calves at home for girls?

Find a slight rise. A high threshold in an apartment will do. Raise one leg and begin to rise up onto your toes as much as possible and also lower your heel down to the limit. Pause for a second at the top. Perform until the muscles are fried. Repeat on one leg, the other, on both. For balance, you can hold on to the support. For those who don’t have enough load, take a small dumbbell, a bottle of water or any other available weight in your hand...

We train the lower leg using a band, tourniquet or rope.

In addition to the exercises we discussed above, static and dynamo-static work with rubber bands, tapes and ropes has proven itself to be excellent. Hold the tape with your hands, and overcoming the resistance of your hands, work your shin with each leg in turn - see the picture...

Effectively pumping up your calves at home may seem like a rather difficult task to a girl. They are naturally hardy, because they hold 50-60 kilograms every day. The effect will be achieved under systematic conditions, a gradual increase in loads and proper training, as well as well-planned nutrition.