The energy of natural stone for your health

Natural stones are found in every home - in the form of decorations or finishing materials in the interior. At first glance they seem cold and silent. But for those who know how to listen and understand them, the stones will reveal their extraordinary capabilities.

Stone is usually considered an integral part of inanimate nature. In fact, natural stones are born, undergo various changes, turning into other minerals and rocks, and each of them has its own destiny.

The energy information approach assumes that energy information fields exist around all objects in the Universe. Colossal energy is absorbed by the process of crystallization - the birth of a crystal. But it is the crystalline structure that is characteristic of the most durable types of natural stone.

Even the ancient rishis of India, through meditation and clairvoyance, discovered that both living and inanimate nature are endowed with the energy of the Great Cosmos, the Hindus call it Prana, the Chinese - Chi, the Japanese - Qi. Minerals, natural stones (primarily precious ones) and metals are a condensation of this energy, and it can be used for medicinal purposes.

According to the energy-informational approach, any adverse external influence, as well as internal pathogenic processes that negatively affect our body, mind and consciousness, can be eliminated by the fields of crystals and metals. When in contact with a stone, the energy it emits affects our body, cells and tissues.

There is a constant energy exchange between minerals and the environment, and a wide variety of energy vibrations arise depending on the individual energy structure of the natural stone. There is an exchange of energy and information between stone and man.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed the unique and extraordinary properties of natural stone - the most amazing of all the elements of the earth. They endowed stones with mysterious healing properties and believed that they possessed living energy that helped fulfill desires, protect them from troubles and evil forces, envy and other troubles.

In addition, they believed in the ability of natural stones to directly influence a person’s destiny and health. Each natural stone is unique. It carries powerful energy, which, when interacting with a person, can have a positive impact, bring harmony to his life, evenly distributing energy into different areas.

Thanks to its properties, the energy of stones can relieve tension, relieve stress and protect from negative influences, and restore harmony between soul and body.

Natural stones are truly amazing. Born from the earth, they are polished by natural water, caressed by the sun and wind. We can say that the clean natural sources of energy are the earth, the sun and space. Natural stones are a kind of energy accumulators that are not only capable of storing, but also accumulating their potential, giving it back to its owner at the right moment.

Not so long ago, it was scientifically proven that natural stones in the house can even out the energy of the home. Each stone has its own philosophy and special magical properties - it’s not for nothing that people have been looking for the philosopher’s stone since ancient times, and some to this day.

If you look closely at a stone and observe it for some time, you will notice that each stone lives its own unique life. Can feel, understand shades of mood, can serve the owner, or can control him.

Once upon a time, natural stone was a mountain or simply the firmament of the earth. Therefore, the stone carries with it the spirit of the place from which it came, the smell of the sea, the radiance of the sun and the age-old wisdom of the earth, sky and ocean. In addition, brought into human use, each stone became something separate and individual, began to live its own life, one might say, was born again.

Each natural stone and products made from it capture the history of the earth and, of course, man. IN