Mexican woman gives birth to nine babies at once

The world continues to be surprised by cases of multiple births. Recently, news appeared in the world media that Mexican woman Carla Vanessa Perez is pregnant with nine. This case caused shock and surprise, because such a number of children in one pregnancy is rare.

Carla did not become pregnant naturally, but through in vitro fertilization (IVF). All the implanted embryos implanted successfully, and now the expectant mother is expecting six girls and three boys. According to doctors, the pregnancy is progressing normally, but Carla is being kept in care to protect her and her children.

Carla has the opportunity to reduce the number of future children, but she refused this and decided to bear all the children. The birth is expected to take place on May 20 via Caesarean section. If everything goes well, Karla will break the record of the previous mother of many children, American Nadia Suleiman. In 2009, Nadya gave birth to eight children - six boys and two girls, also with the help of IVF. Considering that Nadya already had six children of her own by that time, society began to question the control over the activities of reproductive medicine clinics.

Cases like those of Carla and Nadya cause not only admiration, but also concern. Many doctors believe that such procedures can harm the health of women and children and lead to mass childbearing that is difficult to control. However, as the examples of Karla and Nadya show, some women still take risks.

We hope that Carla’s birth will be successful and all the children will be healthy. This case once again reminds us of how important it is to take care of women’s health and that reproductive medicine procedures require special attention and control.