The West has become disillusioned with Freud's followers

The West has stopped trusting psychoanalysts and is massively abandoning the services of the followers of the great Sigmund Freud. Nowadays, people are increasingly turning to a new type of medicine and resorting to the help of casual acquaintances on social networks.

There are no exact figures yet on how many patients psychotherapists have recently lost due to the emergence of social networks, although analysts attribute bitter disappointment from their services not only to the development of the Internet and the emergence of communication platforms.

Since the middle of the 20th century, when psychoanalysis came into fashion, independent scientists have continually proven that conversations with doctors who, according to Freud, looked for neuroses and complexes in patients, yield nothing. Doctors charge a lot of money for an hour of such conversation, but ordinary group therapy and sedation are often much more effective than psychoanalysis.

Also, recently in the West, trainings on personal growth and personality formation have not only been criticized, but also almost completely discredited. There, various organizations that provided people with services of this kind are closed due to scandals. For example, recently huge attention of the world media was focused on the liquidation of the American brand Lifespring - the company conducted trainings on personal growth. But after taking the course, many people developed severe depression, dissatisfaction with themselves, and uncertainty, which ended in a whole series of suicides.

A successful and sought-after American model of Russian origin, Ruslana Korshunova, committed suicide in 2008 after a long visit to trainings of the Rose of the World organization in Moscow. A year later, the same fate befell her close friend, model Anastasia Drozdova, only in Kyiv. As an independent investigation has shown, 20-year-old girls were under the influence of “specialists” of the heiress of the American Lifespring - the Moscow “Rose of the World”.

As for Ukraine, so far our situation is exactly the opposite of the Western one. Various courses and trainings that promise to raise self-esteem in the eyes of yourself and others and help you move up the career ladder are extremely popular. The services of psychologists and psychotherapists, with whom an hour of conversation costs 200-300 UAH, are also in great demand. And although communication on social networks and forums is also a substitute for specialists in various industries, Ukrainians are still in no hurry to trust the opinions and advice of strangers.

“The mass abandonment of psychoanalysis, the outflow of patients to doctors who use other treatment methods, withdrawal from social networks, the crisis of personal training - all this heralds a new era in the science of psychology,” says American psychiatrist Miranda Chess.

Source: I WANT (based on materials from Korrespondent magazine)