How to distinguish depression from blues

Autumn is the time when leaves fall and spirits fall. Many of us feel tired, sad and depressed. It is sometimes described as depression or the blues, but the two have different meanings. In this article we will look at how to distinguish depression from the blues and what to do if you feel depressed.

Depression is a serious mental disorder characterized by a prolonged lack of desire to live. Unlike the blues, depression does not go away over time and can last for months or even years. A person suffering from depression may experience constant fatigue, physical pain, trouble sleeping, and decreased sex drive. Depressed people may also experience suicidal thoughts.

Blues are a short-term unhappy mood that can be caused by various everyday reasons, such as a quarrel, failure, a conversation with parents or friends, or even bad weather. A person experiencing the blues may feel sad or irritable, but this mood passes over time and is not lingering.

How can you distinguish depression from the blues? Usually, a quarrel, failure, or other everyday problems can drive us into the blues, but a person can laugh at an unexpectedly witty joke. In depression, the meaning of the joke does not reach the person, since the perception of the depressed person slows down significantly, as does his physical activity. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a psychologist.

If you're experiencing the blues, gentle exercise, such as a morning jog or stretching, can help you cope with your low mood. It is also recommended to add bright colors to your wardrobe and diet by including fruits and vegetables in different colors. Update your wardrobe or spend time with your friends. These measures will help you add a spark of joy and tone to your body.

In conclusion, depression and blues are two different conditions that have their own characteristics and causes. If you feel like you can't cope with your depressed mood, consult a psychologist. While gentle exercise and adding a splash of color into your life can help you combat the blues, it's best not to self-medicate depression. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist who will help you choose the right path of treatment and support. Remember that looking after your mental health is an important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle, and don't be shy about asking for help if you feel like something is wrong.