Fitness for the lazy: five best exercises

Do you want to get in shape, but don't like long and grueling workouts? No problem! There is a special set of exercises that takes only one and a half minutes for each exercise. These five simple exercises will help you keep your body in shape without taking much time.

Exercise No. 1: strengthening the muscles of the limbs and back

Take two-kilogram dumbbells and stand shoulder-width apart. Spread your arms out to the sides and lower and raise them for 30 seconds. Then turn your arms to the sides and continue the exercise for another 30 seconds. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the limbs and back.

Exercise No. 2: strengthening the muscles of the thighs and buttocks

Stand shoulder-width apart again and spread your arms out to the sides. Squat down slowly, pausing in the middle for 10 seconds. Then lower yourself further and hold again for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for one and a half minutes. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Exercise No. 3: strengthening the abdominal muscles

Lie on your back and spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Legs should be straight. Raise your legs slightly and hold them up for 10 seconds. Then turn to the right and hold for another 10 seconds. Repeat the same on the left side. Continue the exercise for 90 seconds to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Exercise No. 4: strengthening the muscles of the thighs and chest, working the triceps

Place your head and shoulder blades on a fitball. Take dumbbells and pull them behind your head, bending your legs at a right angle. Straighten your arms up above your head and slowly lower them, holding your limbs for 15 seconds every 10 centimeters. Perform the exercise for one and a half minutes to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and chest, as well as to work the triceps.

Exercise No. 5: strengthening leg muscles

Standing straight, take a step back with your right foot. Take the dumbbells and lower them down. Then bend your legs and squat down. The left knee should be 15 cm from the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then lower yourself even lower and hold again. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for 90 seconds to strengthen your leg muscles.

These five exercises don't require a lot of time or effort, but will help you stay fit and strengthen the muscles in different parts of your body. You can perform this set of exercises every day or every other day to achieve the desired results. Additionally, you can increase the weight of the dumbbells and the duration of the exercises as you strengthen your muscles. Also remember to eat right and get enough sleep so your body can recover and grow from your workouts.

Fitness for the lazy is not a myth, it's reality! You can enjoy playing sports without spending a lot of time and effort. Try this set of exercises and feel how your body becomes stronger and healthier!