Fitness without a gym: unusual workouts

Tired of the gym, lacking finances and endurance? Or maybe it's just not interesting? Try one of 10 (or maybe several) alternative ways to keep fit!

  1. Volleyball

When going to the beach or nature, don’t forget to take a volleyball with you. This sport improves your mood and overall tone of the body. And when playing water volleyball, your muscles will work at 100% and there will be no trace left of the kebabs you ate the day before and your old fat reserves. You train: the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abs, legs. You lose: 225 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. Badminton

Did you know that in 45 minutes of playing badminton, a player turns 90 degrees about 300 times? For an ideal figure, this is one of the most effective sports: numerous jumps and bends force almost all muscles to work. You train: arms, abs, legs. You lose: 150 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. Table tennis

Ping-pong is an active game that will help you lose weight and pump up the muscles of your abs, arms and chest, and will also improve your dexterity, quick thinking and eye. You train: the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, abs, legs. You lose: 180 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. Jumping rope

You can jump anywhere: at home, on the street and at work. The jump rope will fit into any purse and will not require any special physical training from you. While jumping, keep your legs together, press your arms to your body - twist the rope only with your hands and do not forget to keep your back straight. You train: calves and thighs. You lose: 250 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. A ride on the bicycle

In addition to the fact that cycling burns calories and trains muscles, you also increase your immunity, strengthen your nervous system and prevent varicose veins. To make your workouts as effective as possible, alternate between flat roads and hilly terrain. You train: buttocks, thighs, calves and arms. You lose: at a speed of 15 km/h 166 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. Running up the steps

Don't complain about the lack of a gym near your home or work, steps are a great exercise machine and free. The first days, slowly rise and fall, and then increase the speed and time of training every day, after a week or two you can even increase the load on your arms and take dumbbells or bags with you. You train: buttocks and thighs. You lose: 400 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. Rollers

Remember your childhood, how fun it was to ride with the breeze through the streets and parks. Why not buy yourself some roller skates or roller skates, take your girlfriend by the arm and have some great fun! You train: buttocks, thighs. You lose: 130 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. Horseback riding

After several lessons with an instructor, you will not be able to live a day without riding. Horses heal emotional distress and stress, and also help improve posture, make your legs slender and your abs toned. You train: hips, back muscles, abs. You lose: 183 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. Playing with children outside

Young mothers get in shape very quickly, the main thing is not to be lazy: run with your child, swing a swing, build sand castles - everyone will be happy and in excellent physical shape! You train: legs, buttocks, back, abs. You lose: 90 kcal in 30 minutes

  1. Shopping

Shopping is also exercise. Plus, after you buy something you like, your body produces happiness hormones - endorphins, which speed up your metabolism and burn calories. You train: the muscles of the legs and arms. You lose: 100 kcal in 30 minutes