Scientists talk about the positive effects of sex on brain function

Sexual activity may improve mental performance, according to two independent studies by scientists from Maryland and South Korea. Researchers have found that lovemaking has a positive effect on the brain function of mice and rats.

A team of scientists from the University of Maryland and scientific luminaries from Konkuk University in Seoul attribute the positive effect to the phenomenon of neurogenesis, that is, the production of new neurons, in the hippocampus. This region of the brain is responsible for the formation of long-term memories and plays an important role in memory and learning.

However, as the British publication Mail Online notes, having a brain does not guarantee a lot of sex. On the contrary, the smarter teenagers are, the later they become sexually active. Also psychologist Tracy Shores emphasizes that without training or regular mental work, the cells produced will die.

It should also be noted that pornography does not have a beneficial effect on the brain. Scientists from the University of Texas have discovered that addiction to porn products leads to permanent anatomical and pathological changes in the brain.

The research findings may be of interest to people who are looking to improve their cognitive function. However, as scientists note, sex is not a panacea and cannot replace learning or regular mental work. Moderation and balance always remain key principles for maintaining healthy and good brain function.