Side effects of methane and how to avoid them.

In our previous articles, we already told you about the cheapest and most accessible anabolic steroid since the times of the USSR - methandrostenolone, or methane in common parlance. We touched upon the history of this drug, its characteristics, pharmacological properties, studied the nuances of drawing up courses of methane intake, features of the rehabilitation period and exit from the course... We briefly examined the side effects of taking methandrostenolone... In this article I would like to highlight this topic in more detail, and At the same time, I’ll tell you the real story of one of my friends, a “would-be bodybuilder”...

So, you have received the announcement. Buckle up, we're taking off...

It was back in the 80s, when every self-respecting kid had a poster of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jeanne-Claude Van Damme hanging on his wall, and everyone dreamed of quickly getting bogged down, like these brave guys from the glossy pages of the then yellow press... It was then that I myself first I came to the gym with absolutely the same motivation. Fortunately, I was smart enough not to eat all sorts of incomprehensible rubbish, and to work out exclusively naturally, eating only a ton of eggs, which of course is also bad, but better than the same ton after methane tablets..

In the rocking chair I met the boy Yuri, who at that time already looked quite muscular for his age, but, naturally, wanted even more... So my friend got hooked on methane, especially since it was easy to get it - it was sold in any Soviet pharmacy, practically without any prescription, and everyone who had at least some ingenuity and desire could get it without much effort or financial costs... In general, Yurets began to lean on methandrostenolone... As I remember then, he told me: after taking the drug - “it was wildly overwhelming.” It seemed like he could eat an elephant, even raw...

But in trouble: at some point in time, my friend began to complain to me about some kind of compaction in the nipple area and sharp pain upon tactile contact with this area of ​​his body….

After some time, the nipples swelled and began to look somewhat like a woman’s... Looks like a jock, with huge cans, and buns, like a girl’s – that’s hilarious!

Now, when entering a methane course, you can prudently buy Proviron in advance and take it in parallel with an anabolic steroid, thereby extinguishing this annoying side effect. But then we had never even heard of such a wonderful drug...

In general, my friend Yurts had to quickly run to the surgeon, and quickly go under his knife... In addition, his whole face was covered with acne and his voice began to wobble in a strange way... The girls all ran away, and Yuri himself already had everything after this, to put it mildly, there was no time for them - a whole complex of problems appeared, which we now had to somehow live with... In short, my friend felt all the side effects of methane in all their glory, which he later regretted very much...

The moral of this story is this: before taking risky pharmacological drugs, at least study all their properties, side effects and contraindications... So as not to get into such a mess as my friend from my youth was in... Such are the things...

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