Stop yawning - it's time to act! Rules for fighting spring hibernation!

Morning. Languid gait. Kitchen. Strong coffee... Familiar surroundings, isn't it? It came out almost like a poem that goes through your head every weekday morning. And you ask yourself why, even after 8 hours of sleep, you are not in shape? You can pour yourself a couple more cups of a tonic drink and even smoke two instead of one cigarette... And with the thought that your body has returned to normal, go to work. Congratulations, you have created for yourself the wonderful appearance that you are full of strength and energy. But in fact, when you get lost in the subway among an unfamiliar crowd, you soon begin to understand that for an extra hour of healthy sleep you can sell your homeland.

Spring fatigue, for obvious reasons, is an absolutely understandable phenomenon. In addition, women are exposed to it much more than men: we are much more susceptible than the male half, which is why we get tired three times more. These are the disappointing conclusions of scientists. By falling asleep at work, in transport, during a romantic dinner, we deprive ourselves of the full sensation of this world, spoil relationships with others who are alien to such problems, and most importantly, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to enjoy such a wonderful time as spring. You can only dream about a rich and fulfilling life, although right now there is every chance to realize yourself the way you want.

Our approach to eradicating drowsiness is wrong from the start. Let's take caffeine for example. Firstly, not every coffee can relieve chronic fatigue: you can drink liters of it and not feel any increase in strength. You yourself know about the negative consequences of abuse of this drink.

Smokers suffer doubly, since there is nothing worse for the body in the morning than a portion of nicotine-caffeine poison on an empty stomach. Hence the constant headaches and migraines, which are quickly assigned the status of chronic. In this mode, our body not only has to deal with seasonal difficulties, but also artificially force itself to work in an accelerated mode, which leads to rapid exhaustion, and, as a result, a constant need to compensate for the strength and expended energy. You yourself, with your own hands, are doing evil to yourself. Isn't it time to change tactics?

So, start with the simplest thing.

  1. Regulate your sleep. Presumably, you wake up around eight every morning and go to bed depending on the situation. If your morning sleep time is fixed, then try not to disturb the harmony in the evening. Go to bed no later than twelve at night every day. Otherwise, extend your morning nap time. This way, the body will have time to restore expended energy and will not disturb you at the most unplanned moments.

When monitoring your sleep, do not forget to count the time when you fall asleep, get up at night to drink water, etc. This is very important, since even basic brain activity during sleep deprives the body of the opportunity to rest.

Create optimal sleep conditions in your room. Block out noise, let fresh air in, and try to avoid the need to get up in the middle of the night. To sleep better, you can drink a small glass of warm milk in the evening.

  1. Avoid stress, at least sometimes... It is very difficult to deal with everyday difficulties and not experience stress. We take everything that happens around us too close to our hearts and therefore must be able to protect ourselves from unnecessary extraneous influences.

Constant worries and worries not only harm the nervous system, but also dull the body’s production of energy; it’s not without reason that during times of stress we often feel tired, lazy, and unwilling to do anything or strive for anything. At such moments, we are threatened with complications at work, in communication with a loved one, or family.

A person begins to succumb to a depressive mood and self-flagellation, exhausting his body as if