Glasses or contact lenses?

Our age is the age of the shortsighted. Today it is difficult to find a person who has one hundred percent vision - the vast majority have serious impairments, as a result of which a person squints, trying to make out the bus number, or does not recognize a good friend who passed literally a couple of meters from him... To feel like a full-fledged member of society, humanity invented glasses a long time ago. You put them on, and everything distant becomes close and understandable, you say hello to someone you know, you catch the right bus, and when you see your ex-lover, you manage to put on the right expression on your face. What to do if glasses absolutely don’t suit you? Or do you just not like them? Or are you embarrassed to wear them? For such cases, there are contact lenses - soft and hard, transparent and colored, for myopia and farsightedness...

Advantages of lenses:

  1. They do not fog up when you enter a warm room from the cold.
  2. They don't limit your view - they're just like your own eyes.
  3. They don't slide off your nose like glasses.
  4. They don’t prevent others from seeing your pretty face.
  5. They do not interfere with exercise.
  6. They cannot fall and break.

Disadvantages of lenses:

  1. Lenses are made from the thinnest polymer film, so they require extremely careful care.
  2. You should only put on and remove lenses with absolutely clean hands.
  3. They need to be removed at night and stored in a special solution.
  4. They should not be worn by those who suffer from diabetes or conjunctivitis or use hormonal medications.

Benefits of glasses:

  1. You can take them off or put them on at any time.
  2. They do not come into direct contact with the eyes.
  3. If a speck gets into your eye, you can quickly remove it by taking off your glasses, but in the case of lenses, problems may arise.

Disadvantages of glasses:

  1. They change their face beyond recognition!
  2. They put pressure on the bridge of the nose.
  3. Side vision suffers in them - in order to see what is happening from the side, you have to turn your head.

What can you say to this? The most important thing is not to make a decision on your own. Go to an ophthalmologist who will conduct the necessary examinations and determine whether you can wear contact lenses. If you decide to wear lenses, carefully follow all the doctor’s requirements and instructions.

It is best to combine glasses with lenses. How? It’s very simple: you go to college or work wearing lenses, and when you come home, you take them off and put on glasses. Your eyes rest, “breathe”, and you lose practically nothing – the main thing is that the glasses are suitable. Many women look much more interesting with glasses and attract more male gazes than without glasses. In addition, if you take a creative approach to the process of selecting glasses, they can become an additional decoration and even create an original image for your owner.