A cure for magnetic storms has been found

Recent research conducted by Yamal scientists from the Arctic Research Center has led to the discovery of a potential cure for magnetic storms. Scientists have discovered that birch infusion can protect the body from the negative effects of geomagnetic disturbances.

The study was conducted on laboratory rodents as part of a study of the effect of magnetic storms on the human body. For 45 days, three groups of rats received infusions of various medicinal plants as a dietary supplement, including white birch, low birch and angustifolia fireweed. The animals were then placed in a maze consisting of a dark and illuminated part.

An interesting result was that during the onset of magnetic storms, rats that were given an infusion of low birch continued to run through the light part of the maze and study the surrounding space. At the same time, rats from other groups preferred the darkened sector of the maze. This observation led scientists to the conclusion that an infusion of low birch can reduce the negative effects of magnetic storms on the body.

Although the studies were conducted on animals, scientists believe that a similar effect could be achieved in humans. This opens up prospects for the development of a new drug that will help people cope with the negative effects of magnetic storms.

However, despite the encouraging results, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanism of action of birch infusion and its possible use in humans. Scientists plan to continue research to more deeply study the effects of birch infusion on the body and develop effective methods for using this medicinal plant.

The discovery of a potential cure for magnetic storms is an important step in the field of biomedical technology. If its effectiveness is confirmed at further stages of research, this may lead to the development of new methods of protecting the human body from the negative effects of magnetic storms.

Source: likar.info
Photo: crosti.ru