Morning exercises for busy women

In order to make the body work effectively all day, you must first wake it up. To do this, there are several simple exercises that you can do at home, without the close supervision of a fitness instructor.

How to do morning exercises correctly:

  1. If you don't have a lot of time in your daily schedule for exercise, start exercising immediately after exercising in bed, but before you take a shower.

  2. The first exercise is regular squats. They will help launch the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body. At the same time, they activate blood circulation in the legs. After all, they have to run to work and cross their legs one on the other under the office desk.

  3. Squat as deep as you can. But at the same time, try not to lift your feet off the floor. Stretch your arms forward at chest level. During the exercise, do not hold your breath: exhale as you squat, and inhale when the body returns to its original position. It is recommended to do 30 squats in one series. But for those for whom this is still difficult, you can start at least with 10.

  4. Another exercise for the cardiovascular system and legs is forward lunges. This is a great way to wake up. After all, it alternates stages of relaxation and tension. Bring one leg forward, place it on your entire foot and bend it at the knee, and leave the other straight and rest on your toes. After this, do a few springy squats and return to the starting position.

  5. The sore spot for office workers is the neck, shoulders and the area between the shoulder blades. Many people are probably familiar with the feeling of stiffness in these areas after full-time work sitting at the computer. Sometimes it “pinches” the neck so much that it even leads to headaches. And my posture is gradually deteriorating. Therefore, let's start with gymnastics for the back.

  6. For this long-suffering area of ​​our body - the following exercise, a variation on the theme of push-ups familiar from school days. But, since not everyone can do push-ups from the floor, you can use an ordinary chair, table or sofa.

  7. Place the chair in front of you. Place your hands on his back so that your own back remains straight. When doing push-ups, spread your elbows to the side, trying to keep your spine straight. This exercise is quite difficult, so you need to carefully calculate your strength so as not to lose your balance.

  8. It is useful to end a cheerful morning with jumping and jumping to the music. But you need to move in such a way that it is comfortable. After all, despite the fact that the body has been actively waking up for fifteen minutes, it is still morning. And the neighbors downstairs may get up an hour later.

If you are not lazy, then morning exercises will charge you with energy and good mood for the whole day!