Three main rules of fitness for women

Fitness is becoming increasingly popular among women of all ages, because it helps not only keep the body in shape, but also improve health and mood. However, to achieve the desired results, you need to follow several rules. In this article we will look at the three main rules of fitness for women.

  1. We supplement aerobic training with strength training

Aerobic exercise, such as running, walking, jumping and dancing, helps increase endurance and tone the body. However, to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to supplement aerobic training with strength training. Strength training and anaerobic exercise allow you to increase muscle mass, which, along with fat mass, determines a person’s physical fitness. In this case, the load must be calculated so that for each approach you can do from eight to 12 repetitions, and not swing kilogram dumbbells for half an hour.

  1. We follow the training program

One of the main factors influencing the results of training is regularity. The desire to get everything at once often leads to scattering of efforts and failure to achieve the desired result. If you set a goal, work in one direction, without being scattered across different types of training. If you do one thing in the recommended mode, the result will appear almost immediately.

  1. Making sure you have enough protein

Proper nutrition is an integral part of any training program. According to medical research, every tenth woman's diet lacks protein. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein for women is only 46 grams. However, to build muscle, lose fat, and tone your body, you need to get double the RDA for protein. This data was obtained by researchers at the University of Illinois. Women are encouraged to include protein in every meal, meaning women should eat eggs, chicken, fish, lean meats and dairy products throughout the day.

In conclusion, many women are involved in fitness, but not all get the results they want. An important factor is the correct approach to training and nutrition. Do not forget about strength training, follow the training program and pay enough attention to eating protein foods. Remember that following these three main fitness rules will help you achieve your desired shape and improve your health. Try to stay motivated, find pleasure in training and follow your goals. Remember that fitness is not only a way to keep your body in shape, but also a great way to maintain your health and improve your mood.