Alcohol destroys bones

Regular alcohol consumption can lead to serious health consequences, including bone destruction. Scientific research has shown that the habit of drinking even small doses of alcohol can lead to disruption of the genes responsible for the formation of bone tissue. As a result, bones become more fragile, increasing the risk of fractures.

As the body ages, it gradually loses its ability to repair bones. But there are genes that are activated in the second half of life and regulate the process of bone tissue restoration during this period. However, drinking alcohol can interfere with this process. Experiments on rodents showed that the volume of bone tissue in those who drank alcohol decreased by 15% compared to their “sober” counterparts. Similar results were obtained in human studies.

Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of about 300 genes, which leads not only to problems with bones, but also to impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, as well as a general disruption of psycho-emotional balance.

However, there is good news. Gene functions can be restored if we are not talking about chronic alcoholism. Studies have shown that genes responsible for bone tissue repair can resume their function 3 years after quitting alcohol.

Thus, drinking alcohol can lead to serious health problems, including bone destruction. To avoid these problems, you need to limit your alcohol consumption or completely abstain from it. In addition, it is necessary to monitor your health and undergo regular medical examinations in order to identify possible problems in time and prevent their development.