What you need to know to choose a doctor

How to choose a doctor: tips and recommendations

Finding a qualified doctor can be a time-consuming process. You can only trust your health to a professional who not only treats, but also prevents the development of diseases. However, how to choose such a doctor? We often resort to the advice and recommendations of our friends who have already visited this specialist. But this is not always enough. In this article we will tell you what criteria you need to consider when choosing a doctor.

  1. Determine the doctor's specialization

The first thing you need to do is find out which specialist is dealing with your problem. For example, pain in the sternum does not always signal a problem with the respiratory organs. With the same probability, this pain may indicate problem areas in cardiology or neurology. Also, disturbances in the digestive system can cause the symptom of chest pain.

Today there are many online services that help you find the right doctor. One of these services is DOC.UA. On the DOC.UA website you will find more than 60 medical specializations, each of which includes different doctors. If it is difficult for you to determine on your own which specialist you need, you can always consult the site’s contact center by telephone. You will be provided with a qualified certificate, since all contact center employees have a medical education.

  1. Ask specific questions

Listening to the recommendations and advice of friends, we practically do not pay attention to significant information about the doctor, succumbing to emotions and subjective assessment. Such an assessment is enough for us to come to an appointment with this specialist, about whom, in fact, we know nothing. But it is much more important to know the doctor’s qualifications and work experience.

The DOC.UA website provides complete information about the qualifications of a doctor: work experience, length of service, academic background, scientific degree. This information is thoroughly checked before being published on the site. Also, the clinic and doctors confirm their licenses before entering the DOC.UA pages.

  1. Collect feedback

You have enough information about the doctor to trust him with your health, but you don’t know whether other patients are satisfied with his work. However, it is impossible to get reviews about the doctor in the clinic - they do not allow you to advertise your services, which may also be true for positive reviews. In this case, online services that collect reviews about doctors can help you. For example, on the DOC.UA website you can read patient reviews about the doctor and the clinic. It is important to note that on the DOC.UA website reviews are left only by those users who actually visited a given doctor or clinic.

  1. Check your license to practice medicine

Every doctor must have a license to practice medicine, confirming his qualifications and right to practice medicine. You can check the availability of a license on the website of the Ministry of Health of your country. In Ukraine, for example, this can be done on the website of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

  1. Find out if the equipment and services you need are available

If you see a doctor for a specific problem, you need to make sure that he or she has the necessary equipment and services to diagnose and treat the problem. On the DOC.UA website you can familiarize yourself with the list of services and equipment that are available in clinics, as well as check with your doctor about the availability of the necessary services.

  1. Check opening hours and location convenience

Check whether the doctor's work schedule and the location of the clinic are convenient for you. If you work all day, you may need a doctor with flexible hours. In addition, the location of the clinic should be convenient for you so that you can get to it quickly and easily.

In conclusion, choosing a qualified doctor is a responsible step. Remember to consider all of the above criteria when choosing a doctor. If you find it difficult to make a choice, you can always turn to DOC.UA for help.