Latte coffee is a cause of obesity

Regularly drinking one cup of latte for breakfast can add five extra pounds a year, experts say. This was reported by the Times of India. This coffee, which is traditional for many types of breakfast, is four times more caloric than a cup of regular drink.

The fact is that the main ingredients of latte are milk and sugar, and this significantly increases the calorie content of the drink. The fact that coffee is the culprit of excess weight in people was discovered by researchers when they began to look for the cause of weight problems in people who closely monitor their diet.

According to the head of the organization of fitness trainers, Jean Marnoch, they discovered that the culprit of the extra pounds was a daily cup of latte coffee, which is given a special taste by full-fat milk. And if you drink more than one cup a day, then burning the resulting calories becomes problematic.

For comparison, a cup of classic latte contains 153-250 calories, while a cup of regular black coffee contains only 35. A study of the daily diet of 2,000 adults and teenagers from the UK demonstrated that even people who watch their diet and try not to drink lattes drink lattes. eat foods high in sugar.
