Working out at home: Seven rules for safe exercise

There are many people who prefer to maintain their fitness at home. Some people can’t find time to go to a fitness club, others feel sorry for money, and others are simply embarrassed to exercise in public. Home sports are an excellent solution that will support body beauty and health. But you also need to train correctly so as not to harm yourself.

  1. Rule No. 1: set goals and choose a load
  2. Rule #2: Make a Schedule
  3. Rule No. 3: choose programs and equipment
  4. Rule #4: Listen to your body
  5. Rule #5: Warm up and cool down
  6. Rule #6: Drink water
  7. Rule #7: Add variety
  8. Take out an insurance policy
  9. conclusions

Rule No. 1: set goals and choose a load

Goal setting is an important part of the process. It is necessary to determine the final result, and then describe the gradual approach to it. Some people want to increase their stamina, some want a beautiful body, and some want to lose weight. Psychologists also recommend setting an end date for when you want to achieve the result.

Next, load selection is performed. This is done by taking into account the following parameters:

  1. Age. The older you are, the less stress you can put on your body;
  2. Time costs. If you cannot afford to exercise more than 15-20 minutes a day, then the loads should be intense;
  3. Final result. When working on a beautiful body, one set of exercises is selected, while for weight loss – a completely different one.

Also, if you have never exercised before, you should add the load gradually so as not to stress your body.

Rule #2: Make a Schedule

A schedule is usually created along with a goal setting. If training is active, then 3-4 per week will be enough. But some still recommend exercising daily, putting stress on different muscle groups.

The selection of the program depends on the final result. To avoid having to do this yourself, you can use specialized websites or applications. They indicate the planned result, after which they receive professional recommendations.

As initial equipment you will need a minimum set:

  1. Exercise mat. You don’t have to buy it, you can use any blanket;
  2. Dumbbells with adjustable weight;
  3. Jump;
  4. Fitness elastic band for stretching.

Rule #4: Listen to your body

If there is no instructor who will control the training process, you need to carefully listen to the signals of your body. If dizziness or nausea occurs, it is recommended to stop exercising immediately. But aching muscles after or during exercise is a normal reaction of the body.

Rule #5: Warm up and cool down

Any workout you do should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. These are the main rules for successful exercise that will really benefit the body. Warm-up may include:

  1. Erratic hand swings;
  2. Pelvic movements;
  3. Movements of the head and shoulders;
  4. Tilts;
  5. Low high jumps without squats.

The cool-down is intended to help the body recover faster after exercise. These are mainly breathing exercises with light movements.

Rule #6: Drink water

During exercise, a person sweats. Moisture is lost along with sweat. Therefore, it is imperative to restore lost moisture. You need to drink before and during training. But this must be done in small sips, and also intermittently.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids when exercising in hot weather. This also applies to gyms, where there are many athletes inside at the same time.

Rule #7: Add variety

Adding variety is necessary for those people who have been practicing for a long time. They start to get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. Therefore, in order not to lose momentum, it is recommended to constantly add new exercises, or compete with yourself, setting new records.

Home workouts are not only beneficial. They can also turn into accidents. Since self-study takes place without the supervision of a specialist, the risks increase:

  1. Getting injured;
  2. Sprains;
  3. Dizziness;
  4. Dehydration;
  5. Accidental falling of a projectile on the leg;
  6. Other risks.

Safety precautions along with taking out an insurance policy will help you avoid them. Insurance allows you to quickly receive qualified and high-quality medical care in case of accidents. At the same time, consumers do not have to spend money on treatment on their own, since all costs are covered by the insurance company. Insurance may also cover subsequent reputation or temporary loss of earnings due to injury.


To summarize, it should be noted that working out at home can keep your body in the same beautiful and good condition as going to the gym. But it is extremely important to adhere to the established rules, monitor the balance of water in the body, and add new exercises so that you don’t get bored.

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