Scientists: memory problems begin after 30 years

According to a new study conducted by the Love to Learn portal, memory problems begin after 30 years. This means that most people experience memory loss before they even retire. The study was conducted on more than 1 thousand people over 50 years old, and an analysis of their responses showed that the average age of minimal memory loss is 57 years old, but it begins to worsen after 30.

10% of respondents said they started noticing memory loss at age 40, and 6% said the process began at age 30. These results are quite alarming because memory loss can lead to unpleasant situations in everyday life.

The study also found that about 31% of respondents admitted to worrying about possible memory loss. This shows that many people realize how important memory is to their lives. In this regard, many begin to look for ways to improve memory.

Below are the top 6 ways to improve your memory:

  1. Regularly engaging in mental activities such as reading, solving crossword puzzles or playing chess.

  2. Physical exercise. Research shows that exercise can improve memory and cognitive function.

  3. A healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, adequate sleep and avoidance of bad habits.

  4. Using memory techniques such as association and repetition.

  5. Learning new languages, skills and abilities can help stimulate the brain.

  6. Using special applications and training to train your memory.

Examples of memory lapses cited by respondents included leaving the house without socks, forgetting how to spell the simplest words, forgetting one's own name in a business meeting, not showing up for a doctor's appointment, and forgetting loved ones at the store.

A third of survey participants over 50 years of age forgot people’s names, 19% forgot glasses and keys, and 13% forgot PIN codes. These examples suggest that memory loss can be a fairly serious problem for people of all ages.

So, according to the results of the study, memory problems begin after 30 years. However, there are many memory enhancement treatments that can help people maintain their cognitive function throughout their lives. Regular mental and physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, using memory techniques, learning new languages ​​and skills, and using special apps and training can all help improve memory and prevent memory decline.

However, beyond this, it is also important to take care of your overall health, since many factors such as stress, illness, etc. can negatively affect memory and cognitive function. Therefore, in order to preserve your memory and quality of life in general, it is important to monitor your health and use all available means to improve memory.