How to treat bacterial vaginosis?

This term has been causing confusion among women lately. Such an incomprehensible diagnosis is bacterial vaginosis, what does it mean? This disease as such has only been talked about recently in a medical sense - for the last 10 years. Bacterial vaginosis is a violation of the vaginal microflora with a sharp decrease in the content of lactobacilli, which are the main guarantee of women's health.

"World" bacterial balance

It is lactobacilli, also called Doderlein's bacilli - after the name of the doctor who discovered them - that produce hydrogen peroxide - a toxin for all pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina. With a natural ratio, the normal microflora of the Doderlein bacillus releases exactly as much hydrogen peroxide as is necessary to neutralize “harmful” microbes. Lactobacilli make up more than 90% of all vaginal microorganisms. They are the protective barrier and provide local immunity to the vagina.

The group of “Doderlein rods” also includes some other bacteria, their general purpose is to create protection against pathological microflora.

Why are such shifts in balance bad? Of course, they do not pose a threat to a woman’s life, but they cause a lot of trouble. For example, copious discharge with a specific unpleasant odor, itching and burning, as well as discomfort in the most intimate moments - these manifestations can unsettle any woman and are enough for her to decide to get rid of the disease forever.

Hormones and partners

So, the natural balance tends to be disrupted under the influence of various factors, external and internal. Changes that occur inside the body at different periods of life can negatively affect the vaginal immunity. These are hormonal fluctuations in the body during pregnancy, puberty, after childbirth or abortion. All these processes are carried out through subtle and numerous biochemical reactions, a violation or change in one of them leads to a kind of “failure” in the system, which results in changes in local immunity in the vagina.

External factors influencing the change in balance: first of all, this is the systemic use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, antiviral agents, antifungal drugs. We are talking about long-term use of these groups of medications, which is why bacterial vaginosis can be a companion to other chronic diseases accompanied by long-term use of medications. Frequent use of local contraceptives with spermicidal action, as well as the use of douching that disrupts the normal acidity of the vagina, anatomical deformations during childbirth, after surgery and radiation therapy, doctors also consider additional risk factors for the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.

It is worth noting that the highest percentage of the disease, according to statistics, is observed in sexually active young women. This fact is associated with frequent changes of sexual partners. Although the final cause of the imbalance of the vaginal microflora is not clear.

Guide to action

So what's going on? With the described changes, there is a rapid decrease in lactobacilli and the growth of other microorganisms, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Heavy discharge is caused by a change in vaginal pH - from strongly acidic to alkaline. Under such conditions, lactobacilli are not able to produce substances that are toxic to “foreign” bacteria instead, pathogenic microorganisms grow. They secrete substances atypical for the vagina, which stimulate the appearance of an unpleasant “fishy” odor and heavy discharge.

Of course, when making a diagnosis, the doctor is guided by the results of smear microscopy and some other tests. A clear diagnosis is important for informed treatment and a woman’s speedy recovery. For this purpose, many drugs are used: antibacterial agents, immunocorrectors, hormones